Chapter 11 - The Revelation of Classification

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Chapter 11

The Revelation of Classification

NEEDLESS TO SAY, I didn’t go back to sleep that night. Instead, after recollecting myself, I dragged my feet to the library downstairs and buried myself in books. It didn’t go as well as I was expecting because well, there was really no order in those books and without anyone’s help, I really had no idea where to start looking. These were old books, the kind I was worried to turn the pages too fast because they could break in half.

So instead, I used my trusty friend, Google and typed “good looking eerily attractive mythical creature” and ended up with “Pontianak, Indonesia. Next time you smell something wonderfully fragrant followed by a putrid stench, don’t be fooled — it’s probably a Pontianak. Having died during childbirth, Pontianaks return to the earth as undead creatures who just want to feast on the flesh of easily seduced men and pregnant women. These creepy beings take the form of eerily beautiful, long-haired ladies in white gowns whose cries notoriously warn of their presence — if loud, she’s far; if soft, you’re doomed.” or “Encantado, Brazil. Do you have an attractive, well-dressed friend who’s really into sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll? Does that friend have an affinity for H2O and disappearing for long periods of time? We hate to break it to you, but your buddy is probably an Encantado. These shape-shifting, musically inclined creatures emerge from an underwater paradisaical “Encante” to dazzle and spitefully impregnate human party-goers, occasionally kidnapping their targets and dragging them back to Encante.”

Needless to say, that wasn’t the kind of thing you wanted to read about in the middle of the night. And when I typed “mythical creatures” and “dream” together I got the same stupid website again. I was seriously considering someone messing with me.

I didn’t want to think about it too much but, I knew one person with green eyes around here, the kind of green eyes that stuck with you and his name was Kostyantyn Brahe and I had been given warnings about him ever since I had arrived here. Was that what was so bad about him? That he could have some kind of pull on my dreams or my subconscious maybe? It shouldn’t surprise me. He did have that whole eerie vibe working for him. It freaked me out a bit.

But then again, maybe I was just crazy. Maybe it was just one of those really vivid dreams some people had. I shouldn’t be making a big deal out of it. What could happen in a dream anyway? It wasn’t like my life was in danger or anything. For all I knew this was all just a really bad dream and I was going to wake up in Detroit in the shabby bedroom I shared with two other foster girls, Jessica and Bailey, and I would be on the floor because Jessica was such a fat ass and took up all the bed. And I would be cold and hungry and dirty, but that was all familiar territory.

Or maybe I was just living an illusion like sweet Leonardo DiCaprio in Shutter Island. That would be an interesting turn of events.

Either way, tomorrow, well err, today, I was going to go to school and I would get answers.

In the morning I tried to go along as I always had, but it felt like everybody could just tell I had a creepy dream, and I was on the verge of standing up on the table screaming “YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS?” and go ghetto fabulous on their ass.

I seriously need to deal with my paranoiac issues…

Hugo kept giving me weird glances and I couldn’t help but wonder if he knew. That little bitch probably did. He had probably seen it weeks before that something like this would happen.

“Try not to kill anybody in school today, kids!” Semyon shouted happily when I left with Marina and Pasha. Marina wasn’t listening and Pasha rolled his eyes. I kind of froze for a second. I couldn’t promise anything, yet.

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