Grant Chase Wilde's POV

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  • Dedicated to Mary Elaine Buan


I really admire her for being such a cool best friend

After getting out of the theatre, we went to find me some new outfit since Elle ruined my getup hahah ! And After walking endlessly for hours we finally reached the shop where I usually buy my clothes !

Hmmm I am planning to go here next week but since we're here what if I buy all the clothes I want now so that I will not come back again here till next next next week hahah great plan !

After coming up with that great plan I saw Elle seriously finding some clothes that will catch her attention ! She's a designer alright so I trust her and I knew she'll choose nothing but the best for me hahah she stopped for a while and picked up a pink polo / tuxedo shirt and smiled at me ! Well I wonder if she really wants me to put that on !

"PINK? Why Pink ? " I asked her with no idea why she choose pink

"simple . Because. It. Matched. Your. Skin tone " she said professionally

"okay" I feel defeated

She pulled out a gray vest with black bow tie

"so Chase what do you think about this ? " - Elle

"hmmm interesting I wonder what are you up to" I asked wondering how will I look like with that clothing

She's not done yet she picked a light brown/ beige almost white coffee colored tuxedo jacket and pants

So everybody is staring at us Now considering that they might staring because of Elle she's an actress right ? Then the camera flashed we didn't mind after all it's been a long time since we hadn't have our bonding

"try this on :D " she gives me a huge smile

"okay Ancient best friend " I smiled at her

In the fitting room ...

hmmm not bad, not bad at all :D so I decided to go out in the fitting room

I saw Ellerielle waiting impatiently hahah how I love to see her like that hahah now the paparazzis are still there hahah some are trying to interview her well good for them she's entertaining them hahah

She saw me and I turn around slowly

"what do you think Elle ? " I asked her with blazing eyes

" Omg Who are you ? I'm quite sure you're not my best friend " she said teasingly

" yes I'm quite sure that I'm not your best friend hahah I'm your 'ANCIENT' BEST FRIEND " I gave emphasis to ancient

"ahaha you got me there " - Elle

"but seriously how do I look ? " I said curiously

" hmmm you look ... " - Elle

"I look ? Ridiculous ? Ugly ? What? "

"let me finish first okay ? " - Elle

"oh alright "

"you look absolutely dazzling ahaha " - Elle I noticed that her cheeks were becoming red

"geez Elle thanks " I said shyly

Then I saw a pink tube cocktail dress now I have a great idea

"now it's my time to play dress up with you hahah" I said

"If you can :p " - Elle

I went to the ladies section I run my fingers to the dresses until I saw the pink tube cocktail dress that caught my eyes a while ago. I pulled it out and looked at Ellerielle smiling like a lunatic.

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