Fake Sorry and Fake Date makes Nightmare

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  • Dedicated to Luap Niatsirhc Sotnas

Fake Sorry and Fake Date just For You

Reivviel's POV

I had a good time with Vera it's kinda late so I gave her a ride to her house ... She kissed me in my cheeks lightly and thanked me ... I saw her walking inside her room ... She closed the door ... should I describe her house ? Well to be exact it not a house it's a mansion ... she has a huge fountain at the garden ... her mansion is made of fine glass ... It's very huge and classy ... but I'm so tired to describe it and for that I am so sorry ... I drove fast and as soon as I reached my house I rushed through my room and slept ...


My alarm clock rang violently ... urging my sleeping soul and body to wake up ...

And with that I groaned and start pressing my luck to turn of the alam ... I'm way too sleepy to do anything ... I'm still trying to hit the button of the alarm to make it stop ... well with that I lose my patients ...

"damn you ... shut up ... stop wailing ..." still hitting the alarm clock

But it respond ... It seems like it was angry or what ever it rang violently ... okay I'm out of patience so ...

"damn you alarm clock! " I throw it hard core

And with that it stopped yes Hahahahaha after 2883936625151000261347 years I can sleep again

But after one minute of closing my eyes ... someone knocked on my door ... Ouh please stop ...

Well I didn't mind to do anything ... I covered my head with the pillow and sleep again it Is still knocking but i didn't mind ...

*knock knock knock*

Stop please ... go away ... I'm sleeping ... well ... I'm trying to sleep ... well ... at least I'm trying ...

*knock knock knock*

Stop ... please please please I'm begging you ... I groaned

*knock knock knock*

Make it stop ... make it stop ... make ... it ... stop ...

*knock knock knock*

"stop knocking you moron ... I'm trying to sleep" I said angrily

* Silence *

It stopped .... At last peace ... Hahahahaha ... Peace is mine ...

The door opened and the stranger comes in ... What the ? ... Who gives that stranger the permission ? ... well yes I address her as a stranger because I can't see him or her ... And I didn't bother too ... My head is still under the pillow ... Buried actually ...

And that's not it ... The stranger dared to shake my body just to wake me up ... This is not the right time I'm sleeping and I'm not in the mood to buy this one ... The stranger dared to shake my body again ... And for the last time ... The stranger dared to touch me again urgh ... That is ... The stranger pulled the last straw ... I instantly grabbed the stranger and pulled the stranger down in my bed ... I locked the stranger's legs with my legs outside the strangers legs ... I also held the stranger hands against the bed ... And ... To sum it up ... The stranger is in the bed and i'm on top of the stranger ...

"can't you see I'm trying to sleep ? " I said to the stranger

The stranger smiled but seemed to be uncomfortable with our position

To the surprise ... I'm shocked when I realized who it was ... Someone with an angelic face ... Someone with royal blue eyes but sometimes with hazel green eyes ... Someone who makes my heart beats faster ...

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