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Chapter 7-diary entry 2 (still)

The second I got to the apartment I ran inside, and checked to see if Gaga or Taylor were home. Luckily for me, they weren't, and I headed down the hall to my own bedroom. I walked in to see my Gaga, Demi, and Selena covered walls, but not even that could bring me to smile. My first day back and Blair had already centered in on me again. Why she made it her goal to make my life hell, I don't know, but damn she sure did a good job of it. I laid in bed crying for a while, the thought of having to go back and face her tomorrow making me want to throw up. It wasn't long until that dreadfully familiar feeling was back.. The feeling of a need for pain. I walked over to my little jewelry box, and opened it up. I dug through until I found the little silver ring box that contained a tiny metal razor, rather than the diamond ring that had come in it. I pulled it out, walked over to my bathroom, and shut and locked the door behind me. I knew there was going to be no way out, I knew that relapse was inevitable, but part of me wanted so badly for Gaga to walk through the door and rescue me. Moments later, though, the razor was on my arm, slicing through my skin. The familiar sting of my wrist splitting open ran through me and I felt all the sadness and all the tension disappear, all I could feel was the burn of the cuts, and I quickly found myself unable to stop. I kept going, creating cut after cut, feeling all of my emotions leave me. I would've kept going for hours, but I heard the door to the apartment open and close, and knew either Taylor or Gaga was home. I cleaned myself up, hid my little metal "friend" back in it's spot, and headed out to see who had come home.
I walked into the living room to see Taylor sitting on the couch taking his shoes off. "Hey Amy! How was school sis?" He asked, standing up to give me a hug. "I-It was good!" I lied, leaning into his tight hug. "Good, I'm happy to hear that. I thought about you all day. I was worried something would go wrong." I just smiled at him, not wanting to show any signs that any bad had taken place. "Well, we're meeting your mom for dinner in an hour, as soon as she finishes recording the song she's working on. Be ready!" "Ok!" I called, as cheerily as I could, as I headed back into my bedroom.
Fooling Taylor was easy, but I knew it'd be a bit harder to fool Gaga.


another update! and i already have chapter 8 written, so i'll post that tomorrow!! the next chapter is very emotional, so prepare yourself!

xoxo Jenna

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