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Chapter 10-diary entry 3(still)

Once I'd finished my breakfast Gaga took my plate and told me to go get dressed. I took a deep breath, got up from the table, and walked slowly toward my bedroom. "You're going to be ok." I whispered to myself as I opened up my closet. I picked out my red sweater with black leathery leggings, and quickly got myself dressed. I did my makeup quickly; winged eye liner and red lipstick. My hair was in its natural curly form, but I just chose to leave it. Gaga poked her head in about half an hour later and asked if I was ready to go. "Yes ma'am!" I said, standing up. I followed her out of the room, and into the kitchen. "Have a great day today! If you need anything at all, you text me!" Taylor said sternly. I nodded with a smile, and gave him a tight hug. One of Gaga's bodyguards, Paul, came in and greeted me with a handshake. "Amy, this is Paul. He's gonna take care of you at school from now on, ok?" Gaga explained. I nodded, and followed the two of them out the door.

While we were in the elevator, stopped at floor 5 to let a family of four in, I heard mine and Gaga's phones ding at the same time. I pulled it out to see I had a text from Tara, "Hey baby doll, Demi and I are coming over tonight. We have some big news to tell you and Gaga. See you later my love. Xoxo" I looked over at Gaga's phone to see her message was similar, and we shared a curious glance. When the elevator finally made it down to the lobby Paul and Peter escorted Gaga and me out to the waiting car. "Now I know we already talked about this, and Taylor's already said it, but you better text me if something goes wrong today, you hear me?" Gaga said once we were seated and buckled. I nodded with a smile, "Yes mom. I promise." She pulled me close to her, and rested her head on mine. It was blissfully silent for a few minutes, until Gaga let out a tiny gasp. "Amy feel this!" She squealed, grabbing my hand. She set in on her stomach, and I started to feel a few little thumps. I looked up at her in awe, "Is that?" "Yes baby! That's your baby brother." I smiled widely, looking back down at her overgrown belly. "I can't wait till he's here." I whispered quietly, more to myself than anything. "Soon enough babe. Got a few more weeks to go." I nodded again. "I'm excited." "Me too my dear. I can't wait to have three little loves in my life." Gaga was back to her original position of resting her head on mine, and I put my headphones in for the rest of the ride, trying to mentally prepare myself for the school day.


FINALLY got an update to you all! took me long enough. :) hope you like it, it's not too eventful, but it will get there shortly. love you all so much.

feedback & suggestions are appreciated very much! xx

xoxo Jenna

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