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Gabi's P.O.V: I woke up and my head was spinning. I felt as if I was drunk. As I yawned and stretched I had remembered that there was a letter. I looked around but I couldn't see it. So I got up and went looking for it then as soon I step off the bed. I cried out so loud my ribs almost burst I'm sure you could hear me as far across the city. The bottom of my feet felt the razor sharp of the broken glass. So I jumped back on the bed to try and take out the broken glass and waited for the pain to leave. A puddle of blood was visible almost has a crime scene. Then focussing on the glass I asked myself what happened yesterday so I tried looking back to yesterday's memories.
    «Gabi memories from yesterday and thoughts to figure out what happened»
  I was kidnapped by the stranger I'm not sure were I was taking to, but Andrew , my dad was there. I remember fighting with him then the mysterious guy covered my mouth I fell unconscious. What else is there to remember...what happened..... I remember trying to wake up. It's kind of blurry but I do remember that I woke up for awhile in my bed I saw that letter on my night stand. But....It feels as if there's more... Wait I saw the stranger leaving as he was telling me something!!! I remember he said that...His not going to make anything easy on me. But why the fuck there's broken glass. I have to search for that letter to see what it says.

I looked around and made sure that I was safe. I went around the glass and walked towards the door. But I noticed that there was a new lock on my door. The stranger went to all that trouble to waste my time. I should look for the key.
             ~~~2 hours later~~~
I have searched almost every where but no luck. Then it hit me the only place I didn't check was the pile of glass stained with blood. I tried to be careful but still my hands were getting cut. The pain was big and after 5 minutes I saw the key but my hands were numb so I had trouble picking the key up but when I did I ran towards the lock and opened it. I opened the door and went to the bathroom to clean my self and disinfect all the cuts to then bandied the wounds. I open the cabinet door and reviled medication I took the ibuprofen. Had two pills and waited for a relief of pain. When I felt better I got dressed up and looked around the house and went to the kitchen made some breakfast. I cleaned up the kitchen and noticed something on the couch. It was the letter.

I opened it and it said:
As I said before I won't make anything easy on you. You can't contact the police about this mess. You got to act like everything is normal and lie to others about what is really has happened. If I were you I would forget everything. Also I hope that you liked my present (the hidden key underneath the broken glass). You should stay out of problems stop looking for her. You got nothing to worry about yourself. But Anabelle is not so lucky, your father really hates your sister.
Today you can't leave the house or your sister will pay the consequence of your actions. Later in the day you will receive something so be aware that no one but your self see it and receive it. Your father told me you can keep the house that's your gift from him and that he loves you.

I crumbled the paper up and fix the place up to find anything else that could led me to Anabelle. I wasn't going to risk my sister so I had to stay. I didn't want to but it had to be done. I searched all over the house and nothing, at least the house was clean. So I took a shower afterwards I cleaned myself up I took two more pills for the pain. As I got out of the shower I carefully disinfected and grabbed clean bandages to wrap my hands and feet. I finished and walk towards my room and dressed up with sweets and a black shirt with the logo of batman. Then I heard someone knocking on the door. I went walking towards the front entrance door and opened it to find a box.

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