The call

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  The nurse came in with some assistance so they could put me in a wheelchair chair. When they finish the nurse took me to the public phone.

   I was so happy. I was going to find out what had happened with my little sister.

  Phone ringing.......

Stranger: Hi

Me:Hi? Where's my sister?

Stranger: Well she is sleeping. I will take care of her until the end of today.

Me: Who are you?

Stranger: I'm new to your neighborhood. My name is.....

(back round: aahh let me go mmmm stanger:what are you doing?)

Line cut.

Me: hello? hello? hello?

Thoughts: What happened? Oh god was that my sister screaming in the back round. I got to go check for my dad.

Me: hey... nurse? Can I go check on my dad?

Nurse: Sure I will take you there.

*Few moments later*

As the nurse opens the door she calls the security and the doctor. I try to check but I couldn't they wouldn't let me I struggled. I wanted to know what happened to my dad. The nurse left with the security but the doctor took me back to the hospital room. I started to scream and freak out so that they could tell me what was going on. I was stressed and the doctor told me to relax or he was going to inject me with anesthesia. I kept demanding for answers. Then in amounts of seconds I felt a drowsy. I was falling asleep but before I was out of conscious the doc told me my dad was missing.

  I was sleeping and I was scared. Then I was thinking about my mom and I started to look through my memories.


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