Team Blue Lions

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Third-Person POV

Two days until the mock battle...

"Oh um... excuse me." said the light blue-haired maiden as she quickly walked past the prince of Faerghus and egghead zombie idol. Dimitri looked at the Golden Deer student, clearly interested in what her story is, before snapping back to reality and continued walking to the training ground.

"That was Marianne right? I wonder why she's always so depressed. It reminds me of someone..." Sakura said while catching up with her classmate.

"I'm curious as well, but right now it isn't likely that we'll learn more, well unless she transfers into our class..." Dimitri responds to her as they approached the large door to the training ground.

A tall man with a white mask stands in front of it before he moves out of the way, staring at the two and intimidating them a bit. They see Annette and Mercedes watching over Lily as she tries out her first spell.

"Ha!" the young girl shouted as she shoots a fireball straight into a training dummy, leaving it burning like a large torch. She is overjoyed, as she should, for perfectly executing it and starts bouncing with a large smile.

"Yay! I did it!" she exclaims as Annette gives her a small hug. Everyone there smiles at the achievement, well aside from Felix who's too busy trying to dodge Saki's training gauntlets, it seems she didn't take that loss too well... The training ground is a lot smaller than it was yesterday; with Tae, Ai, Junko, Ashe, Sylvain, and Byleth out and the rest of the Blue Lions training for the mock battle. Nonetheless, all of them knew that victory should be their goal in order to start off the year right, and to see if they could triumph throughout this year.

"It's better to hold the lance this way so that you will be able to strike easily, like so." Dimitri instructed Sakura as she followed his lead using her training lance.

Sakura jabs a few times into the training dummy then replies, "Ah, okay I think I've got it!" , as she hits the dummy hard. Yugiri decides to take a shot at a dummy with a training sword, she suddenly manages to knock the head off of it with ease. Both she and Mercedes giggle to themselves while a few of their classmates are stunned at what they witnessed. Meanwhile a certain conversation occurs between two students in the dining hall...





"Why hello there Miss Ai, what brings you here today?" greets a certain red-haired flirt.

"Good day Sylvain, I was assigned cooking duty for the first time today and I hoped to head to the kitchen without any distractions." the flower-headed Heisei idol explained to him.

He bows, attempting to atone for his rudeness, "Ah my sincerest apologies my dear lady for getting in your way, perhaps I may take up this job to allow you to cease your worries. I could cook you a meal that would shock your taste buds with lovely flavor!"

"I would rather not experience a shock today, much less eat food from a "ladies-man" like you. I assume you would have your next pick-up line be well-done, instead of cooking a steak to well-done. Ha, it would be better to assume that for you, not burning it is a rare-ity." she smiles a little after her pun (I'm so proud of her).

"Hey now, if you just follow the recipe, most things will come out fine! I think. Heh, well it'll all work out somehow... maybe." Sylvain puts his hands behind his head as he struggles to say another word to her.

She sighs as his attempt to flirt with her goes nowhere, "Look, I have to get started or I won't finish in time for dinner. Try not to do this on multiple occasions, or I'll bludgeon you with a baguette, au revoir Sylvain." she walks over to the kitchen and greets the head chef, leaving Sylvain to question what just happened.

"Hope that baguette isn't stale, unlike my current material..." he says.


A day passes and Kotaro has called a meeting with the zombie idols in the isolated upstairs area of the library in the morning. He congratulates them on their training so far and for blending in well with the students, well in his hammy, yet tamer voice since he could be heard if he spoke any louder.

"You've all done nice work so far, but the mock battle tomorrow is both beneficial and dangerous! If you're all revealed to be zombies in front of the knights and all of the students, it's all over for us! Plus the makeup supply will last for only two months, so it's becoming even MORE difficult for you girls!" He informs them.

"Hmph, no thanks to you." Saki tells him.

"Excuse me?! I have been busy researching to see what that staff was that YOU used to send us all here! Soooo... shut your zombie mouth!" he snaps at her, before quickly quieting down.

"Ahem, so be careful during the mock battle, as well as on your assignments given by the Church of Seiros at the end of each month. Good luck Fran-choo-choo!"

They all get up and leave while Kotaro decides to stick around and see if he's missed any books on relics or weapons, but unbeknownst to him a certain green-haired sleepyhead was surprisingly awake and spying on them from the shadows.

"Hm... seems as though they're more interesting than I thought."










The day of the mock battle between the three houses has arrived. The teams of each side are revealed with all three having six students and one professor.

On the Golden Deer Team: Professor Hanneman, Claude, Hilda, Lorenz, Ignatz, Leonie, and Raphael.

The Black Eagles have: Professor Manuela, Edelgard, Hubert, Ferdinand (von Aegir), Dorothea, Caspar, and Petra.

Finally Team Blue Lions consists of: Byleth, Dimitri, Felix, Dedue, Mercedes, Ai, and Saki.

As Captain Jeralt and the Knights of Seiros oversee things, the battle begins with the sidelined students cheering on their classmates. What strategies have our mercenary-turned-teacher and his students have planned?

"Allow me to demonstrate!"


"I am Ferdinand von Aegir" count x1 (no change... yet)

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