Finding Ray

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Akira's P.O.V.

After almost 2 months we showed up at Southern Comfort where we would meet Ray Sutton. "What's up Ray?" the bartender asked "Hey Red, get me a beer."Ray said 

Klaus comes up next to Ray. "Ray? Ray Sutton?" Klaus asked "Who wants to know?" Ray asked suspicious "I've been looking everywhere for you. We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here, to you."Klaus said "I think I'll be going." Ray said trying to leave " "Not so fast mate. You only just got here, now your type are very hard to come by." Klaus said stopping him

Ray tries to walk the other way but he bumps into Stefan and I who are standing there and stops. "I wouldn't do that." He pushes him back to the counter. "Vampires." Ray said. "You're swifty swift Ray! Yes! One of my friends here is a vampire. He compelled everybody in the bar so don't look to them for any help. I however, I'm something else, a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf." Klaus says with a small smirk

"You what?" Ray asked confused "A hybrid Ray, I'm both. You see I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf that I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray! I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them Ray?" Klaus said "You can't compel me, it won't work." Ray said thinking that that actually meant something

Stefan starts scratching his head, Klaus looks at him and he nods. Stefan turns around and takes out something out of his back pocket. "(To the bar man) Can you bring out the darts? (To Ray) Tell you what Ray, We're gonna play a little drinking game, something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." I said slightly smirking. Stefan pulls out a pouch of wolfsbane, pours it into my hand, and I crush it with my fingers. "Oh, this is gonna be fun Ray." Klaus said 

Ray is chained to the wall, and has darts in his body. He's in a lot of pain. Stefan is sitting at the table across the wall and is stirring a glass of a drink with wolfsbane in it with a dart end. He takes it out and throws it at him. This probably sounds cruel but I'm not bothered by this at all.

Not only because of his pain but because I have anger issues and this is me letting my anger out. The dart hits him. Klaus is just sitting next to us and watching. Everyone else is acting as though nothing unusual is going on. "Ray, you can end this right now. Just tell us where your pack gathers for the full moon" Stefan said "I can't." he replies obviously in pain "You mean you can but you won't because of your whole code thing. See your making me upset and this is supposed to help my anger issues not make me angry so talk already." I said getting kind of upset. 

"Hello mister Klaus. I have some more information for you." A blonde haired girl said as she stood in front on. 

Stefan hears her and walks over. "You told me to tell you if I saw anything. he guys spotted Damon at the farm house."  "Well, thank you Claudine. You'll just tell your friends to keep up the good work or they're gonna watch her." I zoned out then because I already know what happens next.

Klaus said Stefan was back but Stefan had put so many darts in Ray he passed out. Well time to go find the wolves.

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