Don't Start Something You Can't Finish (Part 1)

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Akira's POV

I saw Esther, Finn, Abby, and Bonnie walking up a hill and Bonnie and Abby both grabbed one of Esther's hands. Then all the vampires got a horrible aneurysm. "Elena and Raven I need you to grab my hands." I say "Ok." They say before grabbing my hands. I put a magic barrier up to block Esther's spell. All the vampires healed quickly but Finn grabbed Abby's hand. So Esther's magic was slightly stronger and my shield weakened. 3 witches and an original against 1 extremely powerful witch, whatever my sister is and a doppelganger. Since all the vampires regained their strength Klaus put a hand on my shoulder, Caroline grabbed Elena's hand, Rebekah grabbed my sister's hand, Elijah grabbed Rebekah's hand, Kol put a hand on my other shoulder, Stefan grabbed Caroline's hand, and Damon put a hand on Stefan's shoulder. So now it's 3 witches channeling an entire line with one original against an extremely powerful witch, whatever my sister is, a doppelganger, 3 original vamps, the original hybrid, and 3 vamps. With all that magic I was able to sever Esther connection to the Bennett line, desiccate Finn, and put all 3 witches to sleep. "There. Um someone stand behind or next to me." I say. Then Klaus stands next to me I count to 3 and then I faint. I knew that was gonna happen. It happens every time.

Thank you so much for commenting, voting, and taking the time to read my story. This is a filler chapter the next chapter will be longer

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