Gwent v Gwuncan

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Let's into the chapter. Gwent and Gwuncan, in my opinion the best love triangle in the whole show. Like I love watching Trent and Duncan fighting or making fun of each other I just found it to be great and one of the only things I actually liked about the season. I liked it so much I made a story based off it, but more on that later.


I know a lot of Gwent fans and a lot of Gwuncan fans. I do ship them both of them....but with gwent, I didn't feel like they would last a long time. Before I get into that let me say things I liked, hated/disliked, and what gets on my nerves with the ship.

Things I Like:

-How they started, the whole I Gwen ignoring him, but secretly in love with him thing.

  -How they didn't talk too much/their screen time, it didn't effect too much of the plot.

  -I might sound crazy when I say this, but I love watching couples fight. So their bickering in season two was fun to watch.

-How each of them reacted during the time Heather read Gwen's diary.

-What Trent said to Gwen she came onto the Aftermath show in season three.

Things I Hated/Disliked

-I don't care what ANYONE says....their first kiss was HORRIBLE. It didn't look romantic or passionate. It just looked rushed and it honestly really bothers me.

-Trent's reaction to Gwen picking he honestly really overreacted, and it's not even liked Gwen and Duncan were too much of a problem at that point.

-The fact that I can't see this couple past a "summer romance". Like sure most of the TDI couples don't look like they really last, but with this one it really bothers me.

-They're I even need to say anything about it.

Things That Annoy Me:

-Literally how Trent reacted during season two with Gwen. Sure it's fun to watch when he's fighting with Duncan. But Trent annoys the SHIT out of me during season two.

-When Trent threw challenges for Gwen. You can blame this on Owen, but like STILL. Gwen didn't need to break up with him over that and his...obsession, but also he didn't need to throw EVERY CHALLENGE.

-Again their breakup.....they didn't talk. THEY BAREKY DID! Sure I laughed when it happened, but like....wth!


     I will be doing the same thing I did for Gwent for Gwuncan. I just want to make a note: I understand people really dislike this ship, and yes I know Duncan cheats on Courtney, can you guys PLEASE STOP telling me he did like I didn't know. Like if you want to fight me on your opinion on Gwuncan or anyone else for that matter, don't start it off with "Duncan cheated that's why I don't like it" because us Gwuncan fans, think it's just because you're upset that duncney didn't work out, or know that Gwuncan ended up better than Duncney. So think about my response, before you decide to comment.

Things I liked:

   -Their first in my opinion they have the best first and second kiss of the whole show. One it's two people who've obviously been "in love" of have liked each other for a very long time finally getting together. Two it's not rushed. Three I could go on for hours, but like....during the second kiss...Duncan out his leg up sooooooo, you tell me who Duncan like more.

   -Their fighting during season five, I don't know why but I found it to hilarious, as the scenes of them afterward were amazing.

   -How Duncan acts with Cody....I don't know why, but I just love it.

-Duncan's closing comments to Sierra "Keep it up with the Gwuncan videos" tell me who Duncan likes more....

Things I Hate:

-Okay I know a lot of people were jumping for joy during their breakup, but was it really that satisfying. Them talking and then all of a sudden just done. Like their breakup was for seconds. I literally thought Gwen was talking the conversation and not their relationship.

-I don't really have anything else other than that.

Things at Annoy Me:

-Lol season five....again.

Duncan x Gwen x Trent

Now, I will say this. These three fighting are so much more enjoyable to watch over Duncan, Courtney, and Gwen. Like they made every character annoying in that love triangle and didn't make a lot of people act like they usually do. Like it's fun more to watch two guys fight over a girl over two girls fight over a guy, that may just be me....but honestly just like....come on. With Duncan and Trent going at it, it's funny.

       Another thing I want to highlight and I know a lot of fans are going to have a problem with it....I do think Duncan was more I to Gwen than Courtney BUT I feel like Gwen was maybe happier....ish with Trent. Like there are parts where I'm definitely wrong, but there are parts were I'm right.


Closing Comments

      This love triangle WILL always be better then Duncan, Courtney, and Gwen. I rest my case.

Perfect Places

     Hehe....I feel like a lot of people aren't going to care, but like listen and it'll be over. Now Perfect Places, is a story about Gwen going to a boarding school for the arts and both Trent and Duncan are there along with people from other seasons. I know a lot of people are going to be're a Gwuncan fan I'm not reading a Gwuncan all honestly it's more of Gwent story, but with Duncan in the back. All I have to say is don't judge the book on the author. Like it says Gwuncan v Gwent for a reason.

     Now, for my little duncney readers I do have an amazing story that you guys should read....and it's called Love's Just a Game, I have a chapter on in the book so I'm not going into anyways.

      Please read these two views haven't been the same since my surgery. Anyways see y'all next chapter peace <3


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