Chapter Eleven: On the Hunt

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I jump down from the top of the building and find something of Bucky's that I can use as a base scent. There aren't any articles of clothing lying around so I go into the room we used for sleeping and pick up the pillow breathing in his scent. It's faint but it'll do the best I can do. I strip off the pillow case and exit the building.

I take off into the sky flying low until I get close to civilization. Im forced to gain altitude but I risk staying low enough to where I can try to pick out his scent, it won't be as strong but I'll reduce the possibility of being seen. The smell of exhaust is overwhelming as so many cars zoom on the roads below me. It's hard to make out anything over the smell of city life. I can't risk missing something. I have to land, but I can't cover much ground on foot. It's just a sacrifice I have to make. I land in a vacant ally and begin my hunt from there. The garbage stench is revolting as the smell of rotting food fills my nose. I break away from the ally as fast as I can but avoid the main streets.

It's been hours of one overpowering stench over another. I'm not closer to finding Bucky then I was when I first left the base. I can't find his scent no matter how hard I try. I'm at the outskirts of the city now and the sun will be rising soon. I've been out here all night and I haven't slept in two days. I'm exhausted and I'm starvin- I stop suddenly breaking my mental list of complaints. I smell a familiar perfume. Overly fruity and flowery, I remember that perfume. It's one of the mercenary's perfume. I follow the scent to an abandoned warehouse. Iron, sweat, waste, perfume, and...Bucky. He's here.

I listen in through the walls; I hear panting, coughing, spitting, and voices. They're interrogating him. Why would mercenaries be interrogating a target? They're hired to kill, not question their targets. These people aren't mercenaries at all, they're agents. Who are they working for? What organization is after us? What do they want with Bucky? I sneak around to the back and climb up on some discarded crates and boxes to peek through a broken window. Bucky is chained to a chair that is bolted to the floor. His metal arm hangs uselessly limp. What did they do to him? He's covered in blood and his hair hangs down in his face.

I originally thought there were only two agents in there but I was mistaken. The warehouse is crawling with them. How could I have missed that. I try to listen for footstep as I watch the agents move but there is no sound. I notice a small device on their boots near their ankle. It's glowing a dim blue light. That must be what's muffling the sound to where I can't hear it. Who has that kind of technology? Who are these people? I turn my attention to the interrogator. He's 6'7, wide with muscle and he's wrapping chains around his fist. I don't know how much time Bucky has left.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He shouts at Bucky who remains silent. I see Bucky lift his head and stare straight in his abusers eyes. I don't know what look he gave his interrogator but he drives his fist into Bucky's jaw, dislocating it. I wince just from watching the exchange. Bucky screams in pain with his mouth closed. I jump down from the crates and look for an opening to infiltrate the warehouse. The warehouse has two levels; one basement type storage area and above it is the main storage area where Bucky is being held. There is a small window leading to the basement that is missing half of it's glass. I can fit through the small area but I'm sure whoever is near by will hear me. I can take on one at a time but if there are two of them I don't know if I can manage. Giovanni's guards were poorly trained and it was easy to defeat them. These are highly trained agents and I don't want to make the mistake of underestimating them.

I slip inside and my boots crunch on broken glass as I land inside. It doesn't sound like anyone has noticed but then again I wouldn't know if they did notice because of the device on their shoes. I take the knife from my boot instead of using fire power because I don't want to draw attention to myself. The room is dark but I can see perfectly well due to my night vision. I don't doubt the the agents have night vision goggles and can see just as well as I can. I crouch and tiptoe to the doorway. I look down the hall without having to put my head out into the hallway. No one is coming from that direction, so I slowly turn around and backup to get a glance of the other direction in the hallway. There is one armed agent patrolling the area, he hasn't seen me yet so I quickly go back to where I was before. I wait for him to walk past the doorway on his patrolling rounds.

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