Chapter 2

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I cross the room carefully and open a door on the other side. I enter the dark room and shut the door behind me, letting my eyes adjust to the gloom. A step ladder is located in the middle of the room, above it, on the ceiling, is two large doors, like that of a cellar. I step up onto the ladder and push one open.
The bright light of day hits me in the face as I climb out and shut it behind me.
I'm at the side of the house again, I sprint to the car, and check if the keys are still there. The keys are still sitting in the ignition, so I jump in and switch it on. "Fucking dumbass" I say under my breath, "Leaving the keys in the ignition.." I slam the car into reverse and spin around. I speed down the driveway, changing gears as I go.
I pull out of the driveway and into the road, not even bothering to check for on coming traffic. I almost roll the car as I make a sharp turn into my driveway.
But then I have a different idea, I turn around in my driveway and park a few hundred metres down the road. As I pull up and switch the car off, I sigh at my close encounter.
I reach for the door handle of the car when a cold arm reaches from behind the seat and pushes my neck against the head rest, their elbow pinning my neck in an awkward angle.

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