Clear Path

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As the trailer lurches past another pot hole I feel myself be slightly launched up then back down. Looking around I see pure relief out of everyone. That village left a scar on all of us.

A buzz interupts my thoughts, looking over to Ruby whos pulled out her scroll she looks shocked.

(Ruby) " Jaune?"

(Jaune) "RUBY!? thank the gods we've been checking for you're signal since we reached the city!"

Looking back twords Yang i see that we have crested a hill, looking down i see the city of Argus, smaller then i imagined its protected by large walls and defences from all sides.

As we pull down a steep hill i can feel a sence of relife on the old trailer. we pull into the city we're met with crowded streets and loud chatter, i never thought i would have missed it ,but i have. I help Yang put the bike in a rented garage and we walk back to the others

(Y:n) "how are we going to find the others in this mess"

At that moment a red headed girl zooms past me and pile drives poor Oscar to the ground,

(Yang) "that's how"

I look up to see the rest of JNPR walking twords us, we all give hugs and handshakes. Looking behind Juanes shoulder I see my team walking behind, from a mile away i can tell Noir has his eyes fixed on Weiss. As he walks twords me i hold out my hand to shake his, but insted I get the air of him passing by me

(Noir) "dont care..."

without even looking back i can tell he embraces Weiss in a hug.

With my hand outstretched, still being is shock from being blown off I feel it get tugged by something...annoying

(Ven) "yeah I expected as much. I think he was going through withdrawals..."

(Y:n) "how was your vacation in Argus"

(Ven) " you mean my vacation away from you? vacation of my life"

I grab his hair and begin to pull with him luaghing and trying to slap me away..

Noir walks up to me still with Weiss under his arm and holds out his hand

(Noir) " know, priority"

(Y:n) "yeah, yeah. did you get any leads on any white fang presence?"

(Ven) "well we got into contact with a Ex-member who paid for his freedom here in Argus. He said after the faild attack on Haven Adam went on a rampage and killed some of his trusted followers, being the last person who spoke with him he said that he was going to clean up unfinished business"

(Y:n) "Gee, i wonder what that could mean. Can we trust this source?"

(Noir) "well we'll have to now, he was found dead this morning"

(Y:n) "greaaat"

(Ven) "yeah thats not the only thing..."

(Noir) " Emerald and Mercury where here too"

(Y:n) "really?"

(Ven) "the tried to ambush us but we faught them off.

I turn around and put my hand on my head realizing what that means. With some cuss words I start to pace.

(Ven) " what's wrong we drove them off?"

(Y:n)"no, you didn't"

(Noir) "what does that mean?"

(Y:n) " you remember Emeralds sembalance right"

(Ven) "yeah makes your mind turn into left over ramen from 3 months ago."

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