Chapter 8

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A few years past an Emma was one of the top ten students at the academy alongside her boyfriend, Daniel, and their best friends Alex and Angel and one day Emma had a question before they were boarding a training vessel. "Guys I have a question since a long time ago." "What is it?" Alex asked. "Well what type of ship would you want to be a part of?" "I would like to be a submarine most preferably the new ones being built and designed." Angel explained before they were signaled by a teacher to come and join the rest of the class as she was going to explain their week long training session.

Time Skip:

Hours later on the open sea, Emma was able to notice Belfast skating across the ocean. "Hey Belfast what are you doing?" Belfast looks back to see Emma and said. "I'm here to provide escort for the training vessel!" "I thought that you were going to keep an eye out for me!" "That to miss Emma but at least you've got a boyfriend and a couple friends on your back!" The two talked before Belfast had to keep an eye out ahead and Emma had to go to her post on the Crow's Nest where she noticed Belfast was hit by a beam of light. "BELFAST!" She yelled out as she grabs a set of binoculars land looks through it to reveal a fleet of Mass Produced Ships and their owners. "Captain! Sirens at 3 o clock!" She tells at the instructor who then barks out orders while Daniel, Angel, and Alex were towing an unconscious maid onboard. As the ship was turning around, Emma used the binoculars and realized that they were trapped. "Captain! There's no way we could return to port!" "All hands Battle Stations!" The Instructor said as she looks to her senior officers giving them a look to get their respective teams to work on the double.

Time Skip

The battle was going poorly for the Academy students as they were being forced to abandon ship. Daniel and Emma were the only students left as they had to help their fellow classmates to evacuate onto the lifeboats. Their superiors signaled them to hit the lifeboats since they realized the battle was lost even a semi conscious Belfast tried to go back onboard to grab the couple but was detained by the people she was sharing a lifeboat with. A mast ends up collapsing on the ship heading towards Emma as Daniel runs to push her out of the way and ends up unconscious from the hit he took for her. "Daniel! Come on be conscious I can't lose another important person in my life with sacrifices just like my dad and my mom!" Emma cries as she tried to lift the mast of Daniel not paying attention to an arrow being shot over her.

"Leave my daughter and her friends alone!" A mysterious person said as not only her eyes started to glow red but that was the last thing Emma heard along with seeing the mysterious woman land in front of her.

"Leave my daughter and her friends alone!" A mysterious person said as not only her eyes started to glow red but that was the last thing Emma heard along with seeing the mysterious woman land in front of her

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Looking at a nearby lifeboat she said. "Take these two kids and Belfast if you can hear me call for back up." "Whoever you are thanks for the rescue and how'd you know my name?" Belfast asks as she did as she was told before jumping back into the water. "I'll do whatever I can to protect them on our retreat back to base and I've managed to get Laffey, Javelin, and Ayanami heading to our direction." "Good I'll stop those that knocked out Belfast." The mysterious woman skids through the water as she swings her left arm outward causing the planes from her flight deck to fly out and destroying a huge number of the Mass Produced ships.

Everyone onboard the lifeboats were shocked at the events unfolding in front of them as Angel broke the silence. "Aren't those Enterprise's planes and isn't that person Enterprise?" "That isn't her Angel! Enterprise has longer hair and untorn clothes!" Alex explained as he hears a voice. "Sorry we're late we had to cut through with the help of Unicorn!" Someone with a British accent said as torpedoes were being launch from two others. "Good Laffey, Javelin, and Ayanami protect those on lifeboats right now as we head back to base." Belfast orders to which the destroyers nodded as they got in formation around the lifeboats.

Through the corners of her eyes the mysterious woman smiled as the Sirens she fought started to retreat before she disappeared in a blue flame once more to another place that required her help.

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