An Opening Part 1

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Y/n Pov~

Holy.....Fucking.....Christ.... is all that I could think as I stare at Millie in her dress. " c'mon Y/n don't just stare how does it look?" she says softly. "uh...looks....fantastic" I manage to get out, probably sounding like a total idiot. She lets out a squeak and smiles, "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself big guy" she giggles. " So you think these disguises will fool people? Keep us off the radar?" she asks while looking at herself in the mirror. You fucking kidding me? Your gonna draw heads from Canada looking as good as you do, she's married dipshit, now shut up and get a hold of yourself I chastise myself. " oh yea, we'll be just fine" I reassure her. I shake my head clear of thoughts of Millie and focus on the job, "this is really weird Y/n, I have no idea how to act human" she starts to panic. I walk over to her and place a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, "calm down Millie, you're gonna do great. Your the most human acting person I've met since I've been down here, just be yourself and act casual and we will get this job over with, yea?" I say calmingly. She looks into my eyes, I stare deeply into her dark eyes and find myself becoming mesmerized by her. We stay like this for over a minute until Blitz opens the door, " You two done in here?" he asks still looking into the living room, we quickly break away. "yea we are both ready to go" she answers looking at the floor.

We enter the living room and all sit down so Blitz can brief us, "Millie? We look awful huh?" Moxxie chuckles as she sits next to him. " I kinda like it" she grins, "WHAT?! Whatever you say honey, Y/n i hope you know what humans will believe." He laughs. I let out a long sigh, "course I do Moxxie, if you all can do what I told you, we will be fine." I say annoyed. " Alright guys the targets are Mr and Mrs Turner, they are holding a party tonight in some big house in New Orleans" he explains. " we will be attending as guests, our employer has obtained Invites for us, we just need to come up with alliaces for invitations." he explains. " so Y/n? What should our alliaces be?" Loona asks with an eyebrow raised. "ah hell lemme think for a minute" I say surprised to be put on the spot so quickly, i snap my fingers, " gotcha, Blitz you'll be Blaise Asmodeus, Loona you'll be Luna Lupis, Moxxie and Millie you'll keep your names and your last name will be Wyrmwood." I say off the top of my head. " that'll work" Blitz shrugs. " so do we have a game plan or are we just gonna improvise this time Blitz?" Millie inquires. "let's just get there and we will will access the situation." Blitz explains. "Alright Y/n give me my book and let's get to it people" Blitz orders

(sorry if the names suck, I just came up with em off the top of my head)


We walk out of the portal into the living world, we are in an ally to the side of the location of the party. "It's weird being back in the human world" I chuckle as we start walking to the sidewalk, "do you miss it?" Loona asks tilting her head. "The world itself not really, humans are constantly at each others throats, wars and such, more so just miss someone in particular." I sigh in sadness thinking about Willow, Millie must have noticed this and speeds up to walk next to me, "Have someone you care for in this world Y/n? Girlfriend perhaps?" she teases, as she asks this I notice a hint of sadness behind her teasing mannerism, I decide to keep my past hidden for now and mess with her as well. "maybe, maybe not. Gotta keep my secrets" I wink at her teasingly, her eyes shoot open at my sudden change in mood and retreats back to Moxxie's side in embarrassment, he gives me a suspicious look, which I quickly dismiss and we continue our walk to the house in silence.

We arrive at the entrance of the very large house and see the bouncers taking invitations at the door. We walk up to them and hand him our invitations, "Mr.Asmodeus, you may enter" the very large white man says as he lets Blitz in, the other bouncer takes Loona's. "Ms. Lupis, welcome to the party." he says in a very thick Cajun accent, she walks past him looking very pompous. The white bouncer then takes Millie and Moxxie's invitations looking at them skeptically, "Mr. And Mrs. Wyrmwood.....come on in" he says lightly chuckling at their nervousness. As they enter i hand the Cajun man my invitation, he reads my invitation and raises an eyebrow at me, "Mr. Boudreaux? You from around here Mr. Boudreaux?" he asks laying his accent on thicker than before. I smirk at him "laissez les bon temps rouler mon amie" (let the good times roll my friend) I say improvising my own Cajun accent. He lets out a very loud bellowing laugh and claps a hand on my shoulder " enfin un camarade cajun, tu n'as aucune idée du nombre de yankees avec qui j'ai eu affaire pour cette fête" (finally a fellow cajun, you have no idea how many yankees i've had to deal with for this party) he says laughing pulling me into a side hug, I start laughing along with him as we continue to have a nice conversation in french. He finally let's me pass but not before giving me a sly smile, "dommage que cette charmante dame avec qui vous êtes venu ici soit mariée à cette petite merde? ah qu'est-ce que je dis, vous pourriez probablement l'avoir si vous le vouliez, marié ou non" he says chuckling (shame that lovely lady you came here with is married to that little shit aye? ah what am i saying, you could probably have her if you wanted, married or not), this causes me to blush and shake my head no as I walk away

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