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Beijing, China a populated place full of vibrant people and constant commotion, so when people looked overhead to see the large shadow of a massive figure they were slightly surprised and commotion began to spur amongst them. Above the clouds was the massive dragon form of Aaron who had a sleeping Yoshiba on his scaled body and he was surprised she slept so soundly especially since they were flying at speeds far greater than any air vehicle of the current generation. Though he turned around and had to make sure their presence wasn't noted by anyone who was human, for he wasn't sure he could trust anyone as far as he knew Cypher could have already sent operatives into the country to search for the artifact. Upon seeing a forest Aaron gracefully came down to a landing and before transforming back to his human body used his tail to gently place Yoshiba near to a tree as she cutely snuggled next to it while Aaron reverted back to his human form and took out the electronic phone X had left to him if need be should he need to contact anyone and find specific things within the confines of his location. As he opened the device and punched in a few codes and the screen lit up showing his location but for the moment nothing of interest showed on the screen and he closed it and went over to Yoshiba who was sound asleep still and he couldn't help but smile. Despite her tender nature and even after his initial refusal to have anything to do with her he eventually softened taking on a master-apprentice relationship and she had much to learn in the form of her powers but she was undeniably powerful for a dragon that is light years his junior. As he looked up into the sky he wondered about the others of their own journey and if they were successful in getting to the artifacts that were being held but he started to think of his past life, before he even met Kimiko, Kanuishui and worked as Cypher agent. Going up into the tree and sitting on the branch and looking up at the night sky he wondered about life those 700 years ago, he didn't really give thought to his birth or who his parents were as it wasn't as if it mattered to him now anyway but he did miss seeing his own species. They were the thriving race before the Earth became populated with all sort of supernatural creatures, then came the extermination, dragons being murdered left, right and centre till the dragons became an endangered species. He slowly came out of his thoughts as he sensed something but nothing was seen with his naked eyes, he then turned his eyes orange activating his draconic powers and managed to make out a dark figure and a strange light started glowing so bright it almost blinded him, Aaron dropped to the ground where Yoshiba was who had finally been brought out of her deep slumber and upon yawning saw the light and had to cover her eyes then Aaron began to feel uneasy, or was it dread either way when the light finally dimmed what he saw next was a gigantic black wave of flame!! He reacted instantly grabbing Yoshi and jumping high into the air and the massive black shadow moved far quicker than he could have anticipated and he pushed Yoshi away and took the full brunt of the forceful nature of whatever it was that hit him and smashed into a large boulder. Yoshiba finally got a good look at what it was that attacked them and a sense of dread, a large one eyed black dragon standing with its large feet on a ledge of rocks as it's one eye shined brightly and looked at Yoshiba

 Yoshiba finally got a good look at what it was that attacked them and a sense of dread, a large one eyed black dragon standing with its large feet on a ledge of rocks as it's one eye shined brightly and looked at Yoshiba

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