1. Subject

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A. Yang bisa menjadi subject ada 6, yaitu:

1. noun (kata benda), terdiri dari 2 macam yaitu noun yang dapat dihitung/ countable noun (C) dan noun yang tidak dapat dihitung/ uncountable noun (U). Countable noun (C ) terdiri atas noun tunggal/ singular dan noun jamak/ plural. Singular dan uncountable noun diikuti oleh singular verb, sedangkan plural noun diikuti oleh plural verb.


- Lavender has been used as a perfume for centuries. >> Lavender: singular noun

- Rayon was mixed with cotton to strengthen the fabric. >> Rayon: uncountable noun

- Galaxies consist of roughly a hundred million stars. >> Galaxies: plural noun

2. pronoun (kata ganti)

- Subject: I, you, they, we, he, she, it

- Object: me, you, them, us, him, her, it

- Possessive Adjective: my, your, their, our, his, her, its

- Possessive Pronoun: mine, yours, theirs, ours, his, her, --

- Reflexive Pronoun: myself, yourself/ yourselves, themselves, ourselves, himself, herself, itself


- When a tornado sweeps a city, it causes a narrow band of total destruction. >> "it" adalah pronoun dari "a tornado"

- People thought the symbol had mystical powers, so they wore it as a good luck charm. >> "they" adalah pronoun dari "people" sedangkan "it" adalah pronoun dari "the symbol"

3. noun phrase

a. adjective + noun


- Wild animals should not be kept in captivity for many reasons.

b. noun + noun.


- Blood flow is controlled by the heart.

4. noun clause: What was decided during the meeting has been well documented.

5. gerund: Whispering in class prevents the whisperers from understanding the lesson.

6. to infinitive: To survive in the frozen wastes of Antarctica takes special equipment.

B. Posisi Subject

Subject dapat menempati beberapa posisi, yaitu:

1. di awal kalimat: S + V + O + Adv.

e.g.: The traveler can reach some of the villages along the Amazon only by riverboat.

2. setelah conjunction: conj. + S + V (subject dalam hal ini adalah subject dari sub clause)

e.g.: The general decided which troops were to be moved.

- The general: subject main clause

- troops: subject sub clause

3. setelah koma adverb: Adverb, S + V + O / Adverb + S + V + O

Dalam hal ini, koma adverb dapat diisi oleh:

a. adverb: In 1985, Jose Cubero became the second Spanish matador to be slain by a bull in less than a year.

b. adverbial clause (conj. + S + V): When he was fifteen D.J. Standford decided to devote his free time to anthropological study.

c. prepositional phrase (preposition + O)*: Like porpoises and dolphins, whales are mamals.

*note: Object of preposition terdiri atas noun, pronoun, noun phrase, noun clause, gerund.

4. sebelum koma appositive/ penjelas: S,____, V + O + Adv.*

e.g.: Quebec, the oldest city in Canada, lies on the north bank of the St. Lawrence River.**


*koma appositive diisi oleh:

- Ving

- V3 + adverb

- adjective/ noun/ adverb

- conj + S + V, yaitu

who + V

whom + S + VT

which + V

which + S + VT

**jika Subject sebelum appositive berupa subject singular, maka verb setelah appositive harus singular. Jika subject sebelum appositive berupa subject plural, maka verb setelah appositive harus plural.

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