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"via, via, andiamo via, 

correndo su asfalto o su binari, 

ce la possiamo fare, 


da qualche parte arriveremo, 

corriamo e saremo liberi." 


"go, go, come on!, 

running either on asphalt or on railways, 

we can do it!, 


We will surely arrive somewhere, 

run, and we will be free!"


My life was completely a mess, seriously, I'm not joking, and it continues to be like this.

Because of this, you wouldn't understand it, if I hadn't used this poem; it introduces yourself to my life philosophy, dynamic, very dynamic. My life philosophy has evolved and changed for all my past and it continues to do, so, 

my life was completely a mess, and it continues to be like this. 

I don't expect you like my book, because this isn't a book, this is my life, so, of course, you can dislike it. This is my personal diary, a place where I write both my successes and my failures, in order to evolve as a person and to understand what success really is. 

If you wanna read it, remember: this is my vision of the world, it can be either correct or incorrect, I'm not doing it for business purposes, I write it for myself, like Marco Aurelio. 

If in the future, in a far future, I'll publish this book with a publisher, I'm not doing it for business purposes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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