Chapter Two

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        My vision suddenly fixed itself and now I could see clearly, I was in a room and it smelled awful, like the burning wood filled up my nose. I rubbed my eyes and stood up walking around to see where I was. I then immediately looked through my pocket if somehow it was there, unluckily it wasn't there. The person who probably smacked in the head took it. 

        I hissed as the side of abdominal began to sting, I lifted my shirt slightly to see a huge scratched dashed among side my rib. I shakily touched it with my hand and boy that was a bad idea. I lift down my shirt to risk bacteria's entering the wound.

        "Where the hell am I?" I asked loudly like anyone was going to hear me. 

        "This used to be the Hale's house, it was burnt down along with the rest of his family." A man says stepping out the shadow. 

        I quickly backed away, "Who the hell are you?"

        "Tsk, Tsl, Tsk. Watch that language of yours." The voice seemed like it came to the other side. I quickly turned around and grabbed a piece of wood as a defense. 

        "You know, I liked watching you as a kid. You and Scott playing."

        I start to breathe heavily, This can't be happening not right now, I need to show that I am brave. "What do you want?" I greeted through my teeth. 

        "All I want is you."  The voice felt like it came behind my ear, as soon as I had the piece of wood in the air, lights flickered and my eyes started to adjust to the change of lighting and I could see a blue jeep through the window.

        I dropped the piece of wood and ran outside to see Stiles and Scott outside of the jeep. I ran towards Stiles and gave him a hug huge. By now I was breathing heavily, I quickly pulled away from Stiles and hugged Scott. 

        "What happened?" Scott says pulling away. 

        "I- There was this guy- He was- Its like he knew us- Ever since we we're kids he was watching us- and-and." I couldn't speak clearly, probably because of shock. 

        "Its okay, its okay." Scott breathed pulling me into another hug. I buried my face in his chest. "How'd you guys find me?" I asked. 

        I pulled away to see Scott and Stiles looking at each other intensely. "What?"

        "You have to tell her." Stiles says.

        "Tell me what?" I asked looking at both at them with my eyebrows furrowed. 

        "I will, just not now." Scott says turning away and sliding into the jeep. Giving Stiles a confused look hoping for an answer from him, he ignores it and slid into his jeep.

        I guess I'm sitting at the back, I slid in the jeep and sat at the backseat to see one of my clothes just sitting there. I picked it up to see my shirt that I wore last night. "Why do you have my shirt?" I asked shoving it up Scotts face. 

        "Not right now Jane!" Scott shouted. I was taken back at this and I will not let this one pass.

        "You know what Scott? It's been a hell of day for me. Some random stranger decides to come inside my room and attac me, Also my head is spinning and I am completely utterly lost on what the hell is happening. A stranger telling me that he has been watching us since we we're kids. So I'm sorry for wanting answers." I said releasing all my anger out. 

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