Chapter 7 - And Then There Were Four

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"Consider this an early Christmas present." North said, wrapping the box of five snow globe with a red and white bow. "To use it properly, blow on it, whisper where you want to go, and drop it."

"Awesome." Jack said.

"But in your case, you can also press the random button after whispering the type of person you want."

"There was a bloody random button?" Kangaroo asked. Right, Bunny. Whatever. 

"You didn't know? It's on the top! I would have given you a sleigh ride, except that I'm so busy. Sorry!" North said.

"That, and because it feels like it's going to drop me on another rain forest." Jack muttered.

"Anyway, thanks for everything, guardians." Elsa shook her hands with Tooth, Bunny, North, and Sandman.

"If you need more, you can always come for a refill." North said.

"I'll try to keep that in mind." Jack said. Elsa sighed. Jack remembered that Elsa had to learn the sling portal, and by her expression, he could see that she definitely didn't want to come back for a refill, probably not to embarrass herself. 

"Okay... so..." Elsa took one portal out of the box, and examined it. "Jack, would you do the honors?"

Jack had been crouched, re-wrapping the bow around the box. He looked up at Elsa.

"Me?" Jack asked. Queen Elsa being nervous, well, that was a first.

"Yes, you." Elsa said.

"There's only one Jack here, mate." Bunny said.

"Not if you count Jackrabbit as Jack." Jack muttered. Bunny winced.

"Don't remind me." Bunny grumbled as he picked his nails. "Anyway, do what your lady says."

"My lady? I don't own someone, and I never will." Jack snorted. Bunny rolled his eyes.

"Just an expression, mate." Bunny sighed. "So are you going to stay here and argue about everything I say, or are you going to press the bloody button and get out of here?"

"The latter." Elsa confirmed as she handed Jack the portal. Jack sighed, and pressed the button on the top, and whispered "our ally."

And with that, the portal opened. Jack shrugged and ran in. Elsa followed.

"WHAT THE—" Jack exclaimed. There was nothing under him. And the laws of physics were harsh. 

"I forgot something! You need to wait 24 hours before—" North shouted, but before he could finish, the portal closed.

Jack landed on the floor. The forest floor, to be exact. It was lucky that he was able to fly, because he would have been a smooshed pile of roadkill carcass if he didn't. Jack had slowed his fall. But then...

"Elsa!" Jack hollered.

"Up here!" Elsa shouted back, as she gracefully jumped from a tree. For a princess who lived most of her life in a room, she had crazy reflexes. Her dress was billowing, and she looked like she just jumped out of a magazine. Jack, however, was the opposite. He somehow had managed to land on a pile of mud, and while it was nice to not damage his face, his clothes were dripping with it, and a couple leaves were stuck to his hair.

"Random apparently means randomly dropping us on the most randomest places." Jack muttered as he stood up from the mud puddle.

"Yeah, apparently." Elsa agreed. "You okay?"

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