Chapter 20

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Harry ate slowly as to not upset his stomach. Charlie ate at a normal pace, trying hard to not just wolf down his food like some people.


When Charlie finished, he watched Harry finish off his food with a small but loving smile, glad to see that his raven was eating the whole plate this time. When Harry was finally done, the dragon tamer took both plates and set them on the side table next to the bed.

He turned back to his love and smiled again, "Well.. what would you like to do now?" Harry shrugged, "I guess we can just ask each other questions until we decide to fall asleep." Charlie thinks for a moment before he nods, "Alright. Since it was your idea, you ask a question first." Harry thought for a moment, "How about.. what is your favorite thing about the reserve?"

Charlie got a wistful smile on his face, "The freedom it gave me. The freedom from my parents and this whole situation. It's very serene.. well, when the dragons are in a good mood that is. My turn, what is your favorite class subject in school?"

Harry chuckled, "Most people think its DADA but actually, I like potions. It reminds me of cooking almost and I always found cooking soothing. I could see how potions could be soothing too in a way. Well, when no one throws random ingredients into my cauldron to sabotage me." He pouted at that causing the older male to laugh softly.

Charlie looks at Harry as he slowly stops laughing, "I have to admit, I wasn't expecting Potions to be your favorite but hey, you do you. Anyways, you should tell Professor Snape that you keep getting sabotaged and let him know you actually enjoy potions. Ya know, since you're on good terms now."

Harry nods, "Yeah and maybe I should ask him for extra lessons after hours. You think he'd let me?" The ginger shrugged, "Its possible. Ya never know unless you ask him." Harry nods, "True. I'll write him a note, asking to meet him here to talk to him about it. Do you mind?" Charlie shook his head with a smile, "Not at all. I'll just run these dishes down to mum while you write, ok?"

The ravenette nods, "Alright." Harry moves over to the desk and starts writing a note to Snape while Charlie runs downstairs with their empty plates and hands them over to his mum. By the time he got back to the bedroom, Harry had finished his letter and sent it with Hedwig to Snape. They both smiled at each other and laid down on the bed after changing into their pjs, falling asleep almost instantly.

[Well, that's the new chapter. Hopefully, it was a good one!]

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