Chapter 2: Meeting new people

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F/N's perspective

War, such a horrible invention by sentient beings. To kill thousands of other thinking, feeling, breathing creatures over beliefs that will only change with time. War brings nothing but pain to those involved, be that physical....... or mental. Bullet holes, burns, cuts all heal with time. But those scars on the mind may never leave, no matter how hard one tries.

My comrades, my brothers, they haunt my dreams. I see them dying over and over again. I hear them crying out for me to save them but disappearing when they are just in arms' reach. I hear the screams of millions as Covenant glass worlds full of helpless civilians. All of them repeating the exact phrase over and over again. "You could have saved us."

That's when I woke up in a cold sweat sitting up straight as light beamed into the room. I covered my eyes and turned to see Belfast looking at me, worried.

Belfast: "Are you alright, Mr. S/N?"

I give her a fake smile while I wipe the sweat from my forehead.

S/N: "Yes, I'm fine. Just a nightmare is all."

Pulling the covers oaside, I swing my legs off and stand up, Belfast moving to the side, giving me room to stretch. It was nice of Shikikan to lend me some extra clothes. With arms out over my head, sunlight shining through the open window warmed my bare torso.  After a bit, I walked over to a small desk where I left my uniform folded next to my datapad. Placing both my hands on the desk, I let an inaudible sigh as I looked at my arms. The plasma burns snaked their way across my arms from the forearm up to the shoulders on both sides. Losing myself in thought as I ran a hand over my left arm before being snapped back as something smooth traced down my back. On instinct, I spun around quickly to see Belfast with her hand half-cocked in front of her.

Belfast: "I'm sorry, it's just-

S/N: "The scars?"

She nodded as she put her hand down.

Belfast: "Will they heal?"

I shook my head, Belfast growing an apologetic look as she gestured to the door.

Belfast: "Well, they are serving breakfast in the mess hall; it's just up the street from here. Though I'll leave you be, I must attend to my other duties."

She said in a disheartened tone before leaving. A slight frown forming as she closed the door behind her. With a small curse under my breath, I discarded the sleeping attire and dawned my uniform. Leaving my datapad on the desk, I walked out of the dorm complex and onto the main street, the road was paved with a smooth cobble with trees lined both sides as I walked along.

It was kind of peaceful. I mean, I've only been planet side a couple times back with the 7th, primarily check-ups and other such related activities where the stations in orbit couldn't suffice. It's nice, the feeling of the breeze against my skin, the sun on my back. It's something other than the numbness of space.

After a bit of walking, I saw a group of girls ahead of me. Two of them had purple hair, one in a white dress, the other in a tiny purple skirt and overall'esk white shirt. They stood next to a girl in a pink hoodie with bunny ears along with the last two in very stylized Japanese and German outfits. I kept walking past till one of the girls with white hair started to wobble a bit. I kept an eye on her as I was about to pass, the others seemingly unaware. Though I was close enough when she started to tip back, jumping into action  as I caught her in my arms. The others quickly realized what had almost happened and rushed to my side as I helped their friend up.

Purple skirt: "Laffey! Are you ok?!"

I looked down at the girl in my arms. She stares up at me with half-open red eyes, like she is on the verge of falling asleep despite what just happened.

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