Chapter 3: Stowaway

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S/N's perpective

The dreams returned like the night before; this time, I was back in the battle that brought me to Azur Lane. The last Covenant Heavy Corvette flew over me. Its weapons came firing non-stop, burning holes through me as every attempt to escape only led to more pain. The end to it all was a plasma round going through my heart before I awoke in another cold sweat. Sitting up in my bed, I wiped it out of my eyes as the door opened, looking over to see Belfast peeking her head inside.

Belfast: "Morning, Mr. S/N."

S/N: "Morning, Belfast."

I said with a sigh as the maid walked in and pulled the curtains aside like yesterday, light flooding into the room once more, illuminating the covers balling up on the floor.

S/N: "Hey, Belfast?"

Belfast: "Yes?"

S/N: "Why are you here? You've come and woken me up for the last two days."

Belfast: "Well, it's an order from Shikikan; he wanted me to look after you. Mainly to monitor your condition, both physically and mentally, that is."

S/N: "Oh."

I muttered before hopping out of bed, and with a few audible pops sounding off, catching me a bit off guard. Belfast was giggling slightly at my surprised expression before her gaze shifted at my desk.

Belfast: "S/N?"

S/N: "Yeah?"

I say while rolling my neck a bit, trying to find any more hidden kinks as I glanced in her direction.

Belfast: "Your datapad is blinking."

S/N: "It's what?"

I asked before looking over at the datapad, the screen blinking periodically. Walking over, I scooped it up and unlocked the screen. What popped up was a 3D render of my ship, the model spinning around to highlight the reactor, and spouted out some text.

[Fusion reactor repairs complete]

I stared at it in utter bewilderment as Belfast moved up beside me.

Belfast: "What is it?"

She asked while looking over my shoulder; snapping out of my shock, I turned my head and looked at her.

S/N: "The reactor is repaired, but no one has been on my ship, have they?"

Belfast shook her head after meeting my eyes.

Belfast: "No, the supplies were just unloaded this morning. Actually, I believe they still are being unloaded."

She said, though, without a word; I tucked the pad under my arm and rushed to the bathroom.

Belfast: "S/N?!"

She called, a little startled as I slammed the door behind me, throwing off my sleeping attire.

S/N: "Get Shikikan! Tell him to meet me by my ship's hull as soon as possible!"

I yelled, hearing her leave a moment later. Nearly falling over as I put on my uniform, one singular thought bounced around in my head as I tore out of the bathroom in breakneck time.

S/N: (Who the hell is on my ship!)

Shikikan's perspective

Shikikan: "That should be all."

I smiled as the duck workers finished unloading the supplies from the cargo ship, shuffling down the pier. Though as they did, I saw Belfast running over, her dress hiked up as she moved.

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