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I hopped in my car and drove away , my feet heavy on the x............ the two things i do to calm me when im angry ... drive and dance .... the dancing didnt work out so great because mr asshole apppeared i hope he doesnt stalk me this time 

i drove aimlessly as i didnt reallly know the city ..... i spotted a quaint little cafe called Mel's  further up and decided to stop It eas painted pink with retro chairs and tables and a few plants scattered as decorations , cool hanging lights and a little jukebox at the side .... overall it was cute .. i liked it .

i took a seat by the window ... in a short time a short thick waitress came over to take my order she looked like mid 30's  maybe older i noticed she want wearing a waithress unifrom though how strange   ...i was deep in thought so i didnt even notice her  approach "shuga whats wrong ' she said in a thick southern accent "oh its nothing " i replied "nonesonse i know when somethings wrong with someone " she replied ....i looked at her with sorrow  in my eyes "ok listen ill bring you a nice peice of apple pie ... its the best in town ... comfort food " she said as she smiled and walked away ..... i nodded and continued back into my train of thought .... i looked at a couple as they came in to the cafe ... they looked so happy .... could i overlook everything and be with jace? i want happiness to ! but what if he hurts me ?  my thoughts were interuppted when the waitress came over with the pie "here shuga i guarantee you will feel better ... my names anne come by anytime you wanna talk ok ? "

"Ok" i replied with gratitude in my voice ..... i ate the pie ... she was right it did make me feel better !!! it was like a baked slice of heaven!! i looked at my watch it was 7:45 pm i best go home before my aunt caught a fit ....... i went and i thanked anne for everything and i jumped in my car and sped home

When i pulled up i saw a familar black car in the drive way ..... "not again" i groaned ... as i appraoched the door i heard my aunt say "thank you alpha " i cautiously opened it "aahhh your home " my uncles said acting as if i was his saviour... wtf is going on ......i did a pink panther walk as i cautiously went in i almost tripped a few times but oh well nobody saw that .... i hope ....

"the alpha came t apologize to your cousin because he realized he was wrong ...... hes also having a bonfire on saturday and he would like you to come " 

' ehhh "i said before rushing up the stairs ...... "screw you mr alpha :P" ..........i thought to myself before being tackled .... i was then flipped over only to be faced with HIM "can u get off me " i said irritably "why" he  responded" i like this position " " well i  dont now GET OFF " .... 'oohh fiesty sexy and fiesty ... the goddess must love me " he gloated....asshole... he must have noticed the look of ignorance on my face so he said " ill get off you if you promise to come to the bonfire saturday " "No" i reponded quickly ... he pushed all his weight on me and damn ! he was heavy !!! "whats that / " he mocked ...... "ok ok ok " i said in exasperation " ill come " ... " thank you baby doll he responded in triumph " as he got off me ... i stood up.... and looked up straight into his blue orbs ... " ill see you saturday gorgeous .... no dates allowed " he whispered the last part harshly and then he placed a soft slow peck on my cheek and he vanished but not before giving me a long look ........

He left me standing there wondering what the hell just happened  

jordan cameraon will be jace 

alaina blair will be krystal 

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