Memories ,Mistakes and Dance

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i treaded softly and quietly camouflaging myself with the peace and stillness of the cool forest. I stumbled upon a huge the middle of the meadow laid the memories i tried so hard to forget ........i inched closer to touch the wrecked car. A once beautiful mustang laid destroyed along with the person i loved the most. .....his face ...his eyes ...his smile was all i could see as i looked at the broken shards of glass on the ground and the blood stained seats that were once filled with life ...........

A replay of the tragedy flooded back into my mind as a state of panic flushed me .. ..    memories i  spent years trying to forget were brought back in a couple of minutes ....FML.... .a loud beeping caught my attention i turned to see


My friggin alarm clock " urrggghhh " i yelled in frustration as i shut it off with a loud bang ......i laid there for what seemed like minutes thinking about everything that's happened in the past few years he was actually gone ...........

i glanced at the clock to find that it was  half FRICKING seven i was late !! and soo screwed i really don't wanna make a bad impression but so much for Thad. .....mlate on your first day of school nice going krissy ( that's a nickname she got )

i hurried out of my bed and finally made it to the bathroom after falling a few times (five but sshhh don't tell her i told you all ) ....    i rushed out the door but first i took a glance in the mirror i had on a black tights with a short pink aero n a black jays and i took a SELFIE!!! Lol

**********************************Finally i arrived at my new school ( yayy  ....i love to dance ) schedule was already given to me in my acceptance letter i just had to find the class because im sooooo great with directions (note the sarcasm ) . Me being my clumsy self bumped right into this girl .....she had long black hair light brown eyes  ,she was a lot taller than me " hi " i said cheerfully ....she laughed " hii " she replied " someone is quite happy i take it your new here "  i nodded furiously and held out my schedule " help plz or i might set the school in fire "  she laughed and took my schedule " oh Mr Francis i have him now to ...follow me. ...oh by the way my name is Katie ".  ...." hi Katie I'm Krystal " i replied happy j made a friend # feeling accomplished

I trailed behind her until i met a preedy clear door that had a big 8 on it .....i barged in.    .." hi " i shouted out like a complete hobo " silence !! " the teacher snapped ..   wow he has something up his ass i thought as i bent backwards looking at his trying yo she if anything was sticking out .....

He caught me staring and asked " miss York what are you doing " ....."well sir i lost my pet penguin and i was looking for him soo umm if you feel something nibbling at your foot just yell bill and he will stop " he looked at me weirdly as i proceeded to take a seat ......i sat next to Katie ......" smooth" she yelled as i sat down " wat were you actually doing " she asked " well he's kinda grumpy soo i was looking to see iF there was anything up his ass " she laughed loudly making everyone stare at us ......" miss York " Mr grumpy yelled " since you are being so disruptive you will be the first to dance " . ..." OK " i replied as he gathered everyone to go to the studio .........

i stripped off my aero and remained in a training bra and my tights. .........i strutted to the middle of the floor Don't Wake Me Up by Chris Brown began to play i began to move my body as i let the music flow through  ......i spun and flipped and jumped and danced like i never did before ........ before i knew it the song ended and everyone erupted in applause and loud cheers as i made my way back to Katie " oh tank you tank i cant do an encore " i screamed as i pointed to a random person in the class .......

" OK miss York you have proved yourself  but meet me at the end of the week " OK"  i replied ......" dam girl " Katie screamed " that was amazing " she smacked my ass lol " did you just slap my ass " i asked " yup" she said popping the " p" i laughed at her. ....we would be really good friends i know ......

lunchtime finally arrived ....i sat with Katie as some of her friend gathered around   " everyone this is Krystal " she announced " this is mark " she pointed to a boy with curly brown hair and was slightly built and huge .....incredibly tall ....." this is amara " she pointed to. the girl next to him who had blue eyes and black hair and was a bit pale .....( i don't have anything against pale people hell i wish i had that skin colour ) ........" this is Jesse" she pointed to  a muscular boy no scratch that. ...a man who had dirty blond hair and blue eyes and was beyond sexy !! i stared at him for a bit and then replied to everyone " hiii" .....

After meeting everyone we hung out and talked and i really liked them and i think they liked me ......i hopped in my car to pick my cousin up from school .... you see in Trinidad i completed all my studies which is why I'm not in high school    ..  ..i followed my GPS to her school was huge and beautiful !!! at the entrance there was a large fountain with flowers surrounding it . had a ancient look to it but yet it was very modern

I walked into the school and went to the clerk to ask what class my cousin had now ....she gave me a nasty look and then coldly replied " P.E " ...WTF !!! if i didnt have to come here often i would have beaten her down .......but i just gave her a head glare and walked away

Walking down the hallway i heard loud sobbing and some one saying " please stop " and then laughter. i turned the corner . ...i saw this group of boys surrounding this girl " hey " i shouted ......everyone looked at me  ...the girl it was my cousin she had a busted lip and she was crying uncontrolably ......" sorry sweetheart " 

one of the boys said he was wayyy taller than me and had brown hair and  green eyes and a muscular body  " lets deal with this bitch  first " ..." ohh hayl no " i said was three against me  the fourth one was holding my cousin green eyes and two other boys .......

I went straight to the one holding my cousin and demanded he let her go " oh sweety " he said as he gripped my chin " no can do " ......" oh really" i  said seductively while licking my lips  ....i leaned in and he thought i was gonna kiss him ....hah bitch guest again !!! i kneed him in his nuts he fell to the floor in pain as i grabbed my cousin and ran  .  .... i looked back to see the three buffoons chasing us .  ......i held on to my cousin and ran faster until i reached to my car we hoped in and drive off like fast and furious the adrenaline pumped through our veins as my cousin bursted out laughing " that was amazing!!!! "  she exclaimed " i know right !!! " i screamed in delight  i didn't ask anything about the bullying because i know it would be hard because i used to get bullied to all the time so i didn't bring it up ........we turned on the radio .....and Cody Simpsons  Pretty Brown Eyes began to play cousin And i began to sing loudly gaining curious stares from the other drivers we laughed and sang and talked the whole drive home now though her busted lip was almost invisible .....weird j thought ...but hell i live for weird

when we arrived home ... i hugged my aunt and told im going to bed she knew i was exhausted so she didn't question it or was it because i was lazy.  ....oh well ....i took a nice long bath in my own shower room was adorable pink walls with black polka dots ...a pink dresser , a black bed with pink sheets , a cozy window seat and a huge walk in closet and my own shower and bath !!! yayyy

and after doing my little happy dance about my room i fainted in my bed and drifted off to sleep

OK so that was the second or third chapter plzz gimme your feedback i would love to hear ....
ladur muchkinzzz

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