Chapter 13

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Authors note: There is a new character in this chapter, who works under Ash for security , and will play a big part in later stories. Lt. Hunter Bower played by Nicholas Hoult. Lt Bower is british.

"Breath Gabriel." Hugh instructed softly. Gabriel's breathing gradually slowed down. "That's it Gabriel" Chris said just as softly.

"Thanks, Hugh, Chris, Jon." Gabriel said softly. "No problem Gabriel." "How are you feeling?" Jon asked, looking down at Gabriel. "Much better. Thank you for not judging me for my meltdown guys. "Anytime Gabriel anytime."

In sickbay, Rhys walked in, just after Hugh left. "Hey monkey, how are you?" "Good, i'm helping Dr. Pollard fix up ensign Williams leg!" Sienna exclaim excitedly. "That's really cool Sienna." Rhys said. "Sienna is really good at fixing bones, considering she has never healed a bone before." Pollard replied proudly, lay a hand on Siennas shoulder.

How about you come onto the bridge with me." "No thanks Rhys, I want to stay here please?" She asked with puppy dog eyes no one on the ship, not even her parents, can resist. "Oh, all right, as long as it's ok with Dr Pollard."

"It's fine with me" Pollard said, smiling down at Sienna. "Yay, thank you Dr Pollard." "Thank you doc." Rhys replies sincerely. "No problem Rhys." Rhys left as Hugh came back. "Rhys" Hugh greets. "Doctor Culber" he greets back, then exits to the bridge.

"How was treating ensign Williams?" Hugh asked, when said ensign left. "It was good, i'm a natural, according to dr Pollard." "Amazing." Hugh said. "Dr Culber to deck 4, Dr Culber to deck 4." "I'll be back, alright?" "Ok Uncle Hugh." "Hello Dr Pollard, I need some help over here please." Lt. Hunter Bower

Hugh sighed "i'll be right back, alright? "Ok Uncle Hugh." "Hello Dr Pollard, I need some help over here please? Lt. Hunter Bower asked. "You ready to help again?" "Yep.

"What happened Hunter?" Sienna asked. "I tripped and smacked my head on a bulkhead." "Ouch" Sienna said and winced on sympathy. "Heh, yeah, so are you going to fix me up Doctor Lorca-Tyler?" Hunter asked with a chuckle. "Of course Mr Bower." Sienna said in her best Doctor impression.

Sienna was running a dermal regenerator over Hunters head, when Annie comes in complaining she got hit by Gabriel

"That's a lie" Sienna said with fury, being held back by Hunter, knowing she has the strength to knock Annie out. "How do you know?" "Because daddy has been with Uncle Hugh, Uncle Chris and Admiral Archer." Sienna countered smugly.

Annie snared, then told the truth, " I ran into my bedroom doorway." "Ha, I knew you were lying about Ash hitting you back when you were together." Archer said, having followed Annie after Hugh left, to head back to sickbay.

"This is all I need to complete my investigation. pending star-fleets approval, you are to remain In the brig until such a time as we can return you to earth for a trial. Security, escort Ambassador Baratheon to the brig." "Yes sir." "Yes Admiral."

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