Backup Account

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A-Chan: Well, this chapter was written about 3 days ago.
But l couldn't publish it because wattpad decided to suspend me the moment l announced about my Resurrection......I swear, this app is looking for an excuse to ban me.....
Anyhow, now that the suspension is over,l can publish it.

By the way,a certain demon is coming back real soon.
But be aware that the art looks terrible AF.....I draw them right after getting suspended.But the suspension really influenced my motivation so the result is really terrible. . .My advanced apologies for that. . .

Have you ever had that weird feeling?
One that feels like something bad IS gonna happen.
Well....I have.
And I still do....

You know.... Sometimes l feel like I somehow have good intuition.
That would be the case if l hadn't ignored the said feeling.
I'll give you some examples;

1)There was this one time when I was forced to go to the new amusement park with my relatives (cousins).
Cut the corners,the majority of the gang decided to force me to ride this one ferris wheel.Not because I am afraid of heights or anything like that.They just did it to annoy me.
For some reasons,l had a bad feeling about it....I felt like something will happen and result with me getting stuck in that thing.But l ignored the feeling and rode that thing anyway.......In the end,l really did got stuck there since it literally stopped in the middle of the night.

2)One day,my parents decided that we should eat outside.They sometimes do it, which ruins my leisure time because it's time consuming considering all the time my mom wastes to get ready,and the time to get to the restaurant. . .
Despite it being a normal family thing,l really had a bad feeling about it....I don't know why.....But the feeling was really bothering me!
To a point that I had to beg my parents to not go and stay at home instead.
Luckily,they finally agreed.....
That day,I saw on the news that a road accident has happened.And it was on the exact road we were supposed to take to get to the restaurant.
Not to mention that if we were to go to the restaurant anyway,the time period of the accident would probably overlap with the time when we're about to reach the restaurant.
There were injured people and even a casualty.....To this day,l still kinda wonder what would actually happen if we actually went to that restaurant that day. . .

3)When that copycat first appeared and asked me if she could become Lisette's sibling or not,I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life and gave her permission for that.
Still, regardless of how "nice" she appeared,l had a bad feeling about it....I didn't know why,l just felt it.....But l shrugged it off, because I just couldn't understand why would I have a bad feeling about her when we've just met and when she's acting rather "nice". . .
You all know what she did in the end. . .

4)When l first exposed her in my second OC book,l have a bad feeling about it as well....
But it was night time back then,so l ignored it and went to sleep.
The next day my book got taken down because of the expose chapter.
Because apparently,using Pm screenshots in a book was against wattpad's guidelines.

And now,I can't help but have a bad feeling about this account....
I feel like l don't have much time left in here....Like something will happen to this account and then it will be entirely gone.....
Honestly,as you can see from the examples l have mentioned above,in most cases,I kept ignoring this "bad feeling" that is bugging me out.
And in the end,shit starts to happen.
But seriously, losing this account l have wasted more than 3 years will definitely kill my whole motivation and will to get back here....Sure,I hope that it would never happen,but even so l still have this bad feeling.....
Knowing myself,if that ever happens,I'll leave for a long time period..... Chances are,it will be permanent.Because l won't even have an account to return and continue using.
I have actually been told by a few people that l should create a backup account.
Honestly,it means more work for me....But now that l have got this unpleasant feeling,I think it'd be the best if I be cautious for once.
Which is why I created this account;


If wattpad decides to screw up this account,I will try to use that one instead.
It kinda depends on how l'll take it when that happens but still....
I will also try to have a draft of all my books in that account that is if l can get ride of my laziness......LET GO OF ME LAZINESS!!!

By the way, the profile and background picture of that account belongs to me.

Now,l honestly hope wattpad won't screw up this account entirely because like that would also result with all of my books' disappearance.
And I will also lose sight of some of the people l know here if they ever change their username or something like that....
So yeah, let's hope for the best.

Now that aside, how are you people doing?
Hope you're having a better day than me. . .

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