OCs' Relationships with one another

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A-Chan:This chapter was a draft from a long time ago.Since l don't know what to update anymore,decided to edit this one a bit before finally revealing it.
So,I have noticed that even though I somehow have 7 OCs,I never wrote anything about their relationship with one another.That's why in this chapter,I wrote Leonidas's relationship with other OCs.
Yes, it's about Leonidas and not Lisette.
Because aren't you people bored of me writing chapters all about Lisette?


Leonidas and Lisette

The two have a master-servant relationship.Along with a teacher-student relationship.
Lisette trains Leonidas in dark magics/dark arts.
Being the ruler of darkness,it's no surprise that Lisette's the master of dark arts.According to Lisette,dark magic isn't for everyone.And trying to learn it through books can only get one so far.After all,books won't teach you everything.
Now,Lisette sure knows a lot.But is she into teaching?
Hell no.
With that impatient personality and short temper of hers,if she had students,they'd probably be dead because of Lisette's tantrums.
Plus,Lisette doesn't care about others enough to waste her time trying to teach them something.
You may be asking "Then why the hell does she train Leonidas?"

You see,Lisette can see one's potential and what they are capable of.She knows that Leonidas does have what it takes to handle dark magics.In fact,Leonidas's studied dark magics before he became Lisette's servant.
He had the needed knowledge.But it wasn't enough.

Most importantly,he had potential.There are only a handful of beings out there who can comprehend and handle the actual dark magic.Knowing that,Lisette was rather impressed by Leonidas's potential.To this day she has put Leonidas through tests even without him knowing.And he has successfully passed them all,thus earning the honor of being Lisette's first and only student.
He is obviously smart and learns pretty fast and also knows how to not get on Lisette's nerves which is another reason why Lisette chose to have him as a student.
Hmm......I feel like l "forgot" to add something important.Not really forgot,I just didn't add how there's a catch for Lisette in this whole thing.You don't think she'd ever bother with doing something for someone if there's nothing in it for her,do you?
And for the record,Lisette has no intentions of accepting someone else as a student.
Oh,and by the way,no one in Hell or in other universes knows about Lisette training Leonidas.I guess we could say that it's some kind of a secret.
I spilled the beans though—


Leonidas and Mina

Despite both of them being the best students throughout their education lifes and both of them successfully getting a job to serve Lisette,they are not really fond of each other.
More specifically,Mina is not fond of Leonidas.
Before Leonidas appeared,among everyone that serves Lisette, Mina was one of the best ones.Or so she thought.See,even if she doesn't wanna admit it,Mina never knew Lisette as well as Leonidas does.Mina only got to know more about Lisette once she started working for her.Leonidas on the other hand,knew a lot about Lisette even before he became her servant.
Mina thinks that Leonidas took her title as Lisette's best/favorite staff—a title she never really had.Because of her competitive personality,she sees Leonidas as a rival and wants to prove that she's better than him.

Leonidas on the other hand,doesn't give a single f*ck about Mina.He is well aware of Mina's distaste towards himself and obviously couldn't care less about it.He finds it ridiculous that Mina thinks she's better than him when it comes to serving Lisette.
One thing they have in common is their loyalty towards Lisette.Both are extremely loyal to their Mistress.
But there's a major difference between Mina and Leonidas.Something that differs Leonidas from not only Mina,but all,if not most demons in Hell. . .
And I am obviously not gonna reveal that now.So try finding it out yourself if you're curious!=)


Leonidas and Valerian

Valerian is creeped out by the fact that Leonidas killed his own family just to become Lisette's servant.
There's not really any kind of relationship between the two.Valerian just tries to not get on his bad side.He also warns his twin sister Valerie to be careful around Leonidas.
He also thinks that Leonidas is a bit too obsessed with Lisette. . .

Leonidas doesn't care about Valerian's opinion on him.As long as Valerian is loyal to Lisette and doesn't get on her nerves,he doesn't have a problem with him.


Leonidas and Valerie

Just like her twin brother,Valerie is also creeped out by how far Leonidas can go if it's to prove his loyalty.
Again,there's nothing notable between these two.And Leonidas won't haunt her either as long as she is in good terms with Lisette.
Leonidas in general is a gentleman,but he won't hesitate to murder a lady if she dares to betray the Empress.

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