6- Captured

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I held onto Sonic's hand as we ran through the death egg, I was afraid to admit I was terrified, but I was shaking, I just kept thinking about Noor, and saving him, but I felt a metal hand grabbing my leg, pulling me away from Sonic, I let out a scream, and Sonic whipped around, to see me getting pulled away by Metal Sonic, and thats the last thing I remember.

I woke up, and a forest greeted my eyes, I was in an open clearing, I tried to get up, but something pulled me back, I turned around to see Metal Sonic, peering into my (E/C) eyes, I let out a scream of terror, and tried to pull away from him, but he just held my arm tighter, "LET! ME! GO!" I yelled at the the top of my lungs. Metal hit me over the head, and I passed out.
I woke up back home, what the? I got out of my bed, wondering if whatever happened was a dream.

Sonic POV
"Well that was a bust," I said, annoyed, Tails and Amy  were unable to find the (A/T)'s friend, and we got her captured.
"I think it was that (A/T)'s fault, you should get over her!" Amy said haughtily.
After awhile of Amy going off about (Y/N) I ran off, I caught sight of a (A/C) (A/T), I ran over to her and said, "(Y/N)?"

I turned around when I heard someone say my name, I saw Sonic, he looked both confused and concerned, "Uh hello?" I said to Sonic, very confused.
"Are you ok? What happened back there?" He asked.
"What are yo-" I remembered my dream last night, then I said, absolutely shocked, "wait... that WASN'T a dream!?"
"I see you often dream about going on adventures with me."
"That's- not what I mea- y'know it's hard to not think you were dreaming, when you go on an adventure with the famous Sonic the Hedgehog, and you get captured by Metal Sonic, and you wake up in your bed." I retorted.
Me and Sonic talked for a bit, before he ran off. I sighed, questions blaring through my head, who brought me home? If it was Metal (or really anyone) how did he know where my house was? I was beginning to get incredibly stressed out because of this, so I headed home.
Once at my house, I pulled out my phone, and saw I had received a few texts in the group chat with me, Noor, and (F/N).
Noor: what in the hell? How did I get home?
(F/N): NOOR! where were you!?
Noor: Wha? I was at (Y/N)'s house, I was sleeping on the couch?
(Y/N): first of all, I'm happy you're ok Noor, but second of all, you were not at my house for the last two days, you were missing.
Noor: WHAT!?
I let out a sigh of relief, Noor was ok! But was unaware of the hell we were put through because of him.

Thank you so much for 300+ views! And sorry for the delay on the chapters, I've been busy, and writing is just a hobby, so it got the boot so I could deal with what's happening in my personal life

Forbidden sparks (Metal Sonic x reader) (discontinue)Where stories live. Discover now