Tamaki x Reader

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Requested by: @Mouseholli

(I didnt know if you wanted as a oneshot or scenerios, so I hope you still like it)

"Wh-...What in the world...is in your uhm...jacket"? You asked a little concerned, you asked this question with must worry in your voice too because your boyfriend Tamaki Amajiki had just walked into your house with something squirming inside of his jacket.

"Loook" he whispered

You blushed a little bit because of how he sounded like an amazed little kid, you found out he does that when ever hes super curious about something or wanted to show you something he though was really cool.


Tamaki pointed to your room and started walking to it you following behind him. Once you got in there he unzipped his jacket and a little puppy crawled out and started sniffing around.

"Aww its adorable"!!! You squealed as it was trotting around with its stubby legs. "Yeah, I though you could keep it here because my mom doesnt currently want any pets.

"Yess! We can be like its parents or somehting"! That made the darked haired boy blush, he liked the idea of being a family, "y-yeah... "

"What should we name it"? You asked with excitement, you only said that because you had a few names in mind. "I dont know, do you have any suggestions" "Why, yes I do" you then proceeded to list every single name from My Little Pony.

"Y-Y/N! Slow down, arent those characters from My Little Pony? Do... you still watch it"?

You froze "No"! You totally did, Tamaki knew all the names because you have listed then multiple times for multiple reasons. "Its okay if you do, Y-ya know... I still watch u-uhm.... Paw Patrol..." Tamaki turned red after that and you looked at him surprised. "Awee Tamaki that's so cute! We should watch it together sometime"! You mumbled that last part but Tamaki heard and smiled a little.

Right after the conversation of cartoons, you both heard a growl coming from somewhere and you both turned around to see the puppy laying down whining, you got up and started walking out, "I'll go make it some chicken nuggets"! Tamaki smiled at you and nodded while he started playing with the puppy.

Time Skip?

Once the nagits were ready you walked back into the room to Tamaki playing with the puppy, you walked over and set the plate down and picked up a chicken nugget to feed to the puppy. It sniffed it and then ate it, while you were feeding it you and Tamaki continued to tall about names for the puppy and decided on bear since it looked like one.

There was only one chicken nugget left and Tamaki ate it "hey that's for bear" you giggled, you both played with the puppy for a few minutes until...

"T-Tamaki..."👉👈 he turned around and looked at you kinda worried from your tone of voice "y-yeah..." you tackled him in a hug and he fell over "Your so cute with dog ears and a tail"!! You yelled.


They saw he never turned back to nOOoOrmmrmAaAALL OOoOoo

This was really fun to make! Thank you to Mouseholli for the fun request. Again I dont normally do oneshots so I hope you still like it!
~Yumiko-chan out💗

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader {{Scenerios}}Where stories live. Discover now