part 1

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Anti, for the most part, was pretty good. He was able to redeem himself and live a life that did revolve around anger and vengeance, he moved in with the other Septiceyes and was accepted into the family, and he finally made amends with Jack. Yes, Anti was indeed a better person, but still, he would have some setbacks.

Every now and then, Anti would have these… Episodes where his body would glitch beyond his control, the pixels practically hurting his green skin, feeling like he was being stabbed all over his body. Not only that, when these episodes occur, but he would also lose control of his current form and grow long ears, sharp teeth, long claws, and two black, soulless eyes. His neck would also reopen and bleed out staining his black shirt. But what he hates most about these episodes is that when he feels that they are about to start he would lash out against his control. He would become too angry from the pain of holding his pixelated form in, trying to keep it from the others that he would practically snarl or yell at the others if they tried to help. They never get to see the pixels stabbing his body, he makes sure that would never happen by just lying, saying he did it on purpose, or just completely leaving the room. He doesn't want them to get worried but that still doesn't stop him from lashing out at them. Don’t get him wrong, he would never want to hurt the others, but he was made to be a killer, his entire being was to destroy Jack and the other egos, and since things have changed he’s suppressing his true nature, which was not wise on his part, it’s only causing pint up anger that he let’s explode out during his episodes, which only left the others worried and heartbroken. The first and last person he ever yelled at and accidentally showed his true form during these episodes was Robbie.

The poor guy just wanted to see if his older brother was okay and how did he repay him? Lashing out and screaming at him, his monstrous form shining through. He didn’t know he was doing it until he saw the tears stream down Robbie’s face, his features full of hurt and fear. From that moment on, Anti knew better to be around the others during that time. So he would just lock himself away in his room, dealing with his pain alone so that the others didn’t have to deal with his stupid tantrums or worry that they'll see what is really underneath. He didn’t want to lose the only family he ever had.

Today was not a good day for Anti. He had overslept because his phone didn’t charge and died on him, leaving him with no alarm clock, that and he was sore and stiff. Somehow his neck reopened and blood got all over his sheets and pillows so he had to waste his time washing the bloodstains out of his bedding and now he was hungry.

Anti groaned as he shuffled into the kitchen his hair messy and sticking up and he had dark rings under his eyes as he reached into the fridge to grab the milk.

“Well, hey Anti!” Jackie grinned as he walked up watching as Anti flinched from his loud voice. “How are you feeling?”

“Well, I was feeling good until you started talking.” Anti grinned receiving a chuckle from the hero. Anti chuckled as well as he closed the fridge reaching up to open the cabinet where they kept the cereal. “You wouldn’t happen to have the time, would you?” the glitch then asked as he pulled out the cocoa puffs.

Jackie then pulled out his phone and turned it on, checking the time. “It’s 12:15 P.M.”

“Jesus.” Anti sighed as he pulled out a bowl beginning to pour the cereal into it.

“Yeah I was wondering where you were this morning,” Jackie said as he hopped onto the counter sitting down. “You missed some great family bonding time.”

“Oh, when you say family bonding time do you really mean, Jack and Chase fighting over who can throw a tea bag the farthest and Marvin almost blowing up the table with another magic trick he learned.” Anti smiled as he took a bite from his cereal turning to face Jackie.

“Oh come on we’re not that bad,” Jackie argued as he crossed his arms.

“Uh-huh, you’re all are wackos.”

“Oh does that make Jamie a wacko too?” Jackie arched an eyebrow watching as Anti’s smile fell as he lowered his spoon.

“What?! No! H-He doesn’t count!”

“You’re only saying that because you’re dating him,” Jackie argued watched as Anti grumbled putting to spoon in his mouth causing Jackie to grin before he looked at his phone seeing a message. “Well, Jack wants us all to have a game day. You wanna join?” Jackie asked as he hopped off the counter typing Jack back.

Anti grinned as he went to pick up his bowl. “Yeah, that sounds-Arg!” Anti stifled a yell as he slammed his fists into the counter as pixels coursed through his body, along with a zapping pain.

Jackie paused turning to Anti as his smile wavered, noticing Anti resting his fists on the counter breathing heavily. “Anti, are you okay? What happened?”

“I-I’m fine… Uh j-just twisted my ankle.” Anti lied trying to calm his nerves.

“Are… Are you sure-?”

“I said I’m fine!” Anti snapped glaring at Jackie but his features softened upon seeing the hero flinch. “I… I mean I’m okay Jackie… Thank you for your concern.”

Jackie didn’t seem too convinced, but he decided not to pressure Anti too much so he just smiled. “How’s about we get first dibs on the seating positions?”

Anti only smiled at the hero giving him a nod. “I’d like that,” he whispered as he picked up the bowl and followed Jackie into the living room, but Jackie failed to notice as Anti’s smiled wavered looking down at his hand. Praying that it wasn’t another episode. It was probably just a minor episode… Nothing to get so worked up about… Right?

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