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After the whole ordeal, the egos were gonna stop at nothing to help Anti with his episodes. Schneep had decided to get Anti into therapy and decided to his therapist so that Anti didn't have to be with some complete stranger. Marvin started to find ways to help Anti when another pixel episode would occur so that they could prevent it from happening again. Jackie began bringing Anti on missions so that he could take out his aggression on evil crooks... Nothing too dangerous a few punches here and there.  Chase and Robbie decided to spend more time with him, Chase and Anti doing a couple of trick shots for Chase's vlog while Robbie and he would crochet or work on puzzle books. Jamie had found ways to calm Anti down when he was in one of those moods. Gentle kisses here, distracting him with a slow dance there, you name it. And Jack would bring Anti onto his channel, where they would do let's plays together, playing two-player games. Life after that was going better for Anti. He had less glitching episodes, he felt as if his anger was under control, and his killer instincts seemed to almost be gone. He still had issues with his form changing. Sometimes his glitch form still takes hold but he's not ashamed to hide it, because he knows no matter what, his family will always be there.

Three months had passed since the incident and Anti was in the living room along with the other egos except for Marvin and Schneep who were in Marvin's room. Schneeps wounds had finally healed but he still had big scars across his face that Marvin said he might be able to help with but he wasn't sure. Right now, Marvin was working on a spell to help the scaring. Anti sat there staring off, his leg fidgeting out of nervousness when he jumped feeling someone rest their hand on his shoulder causing him to look up seeing Jackie sitting next to him with a smile.

"Don't worry sidekick. He's gonna be fine." Jackie grinned causing Anti to look at him boredly.

"Haha, very funny Jackaboy." He whispered looking head.

"They should be done at any moment," Jack whispered, looking at his watch. "I wonder how it's done."

"Who knows, whiskers is a perfectionist and he usually takes forever at everything." Anti sighed as he leaned back turning over to see Jamie reading a novel, causing him to grin snuggling his head into the ego's shoulder who just smiled reaching up to hold Anti's face as he read.

"I don't know I thought the scars looked badass," Chase whispered who was sitting on the floor in front of Anti along with Robbie, throwing tea bag at a mug making it in. "Ooh did you see that!?" He grinned watching as Robbie clapped with a smile.

"Good job little bro!" Anti grinned using his foot to push Chase hat over his eyes.

"Hey, you ass!" Chase snapped pushing his hat up, causing the others to laugh.

"Hey, guys," Jack said looking ahead, listening as everyone quiets down turning to see Marvin walk up with Schneep behind him.

"I'm finished... I managed to make three of the scars disappear but... One was too deep." Marvin whispered as he stepped aside so that the others can see, watching as they froze.

Anti slowly got up,  looking at his dad's face, who just gave him a small smirk. He walked up to him looking at the right side of his face, seeing one big scar. The scar started at his hairline and slowly went down over his eyebrow that was now missing a patch of hair. It then went across his eyes which luckily was left unharmed and went down his right cheek ending at his upper lip, the hair on the mustache part of his goatee was missing. Anti couldn't help but tear up looking at the scar in guilt. "I-I-."

"It's okay Sohn." Schneep whispered, wiping the tears from Anti's eyes. "I zhink it's razher becoming don't you zhink?"

"You look, badass dad!" Chase shouted as he leaned back with a grin

"Hey, language!" Schneep snapped pointing at Chase.

"Aw, come on he's right Schneep!" Jackie grinned. "The scar's a reminder of the day the Dr. Schneeplestein was bitch-slapped by his own son." Causing some of the egos to burst into laughter.

"That is n-not funny!" Anti turned to Jackie with a smile as he wiped his eyes trying not to laugh.

"What it's true!" Jackie protested watching as Schneep rolled his eyes with a grin.

"Alright, enough of zhis childish talk let's have some family bonding time!" Schneep grinned patting Anti's back as they walked over to the couch deciding to play video games.

Anti was surrounded by all the egos who were watching Jack and Marvin having their turn at the game, cheering them on, causing the glitch to smile. He was so lucky to have a family like them, a family that would be there for him through thick and thin. A family that would be there by his side no matter what.

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