You're Mine (Inosuke x Pillar Reader)

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A/n: I was really bored after school today soooooooo... I decided to type this up... I did Inosuke cuz he's my favourite character 😙💕

Sorry if it's angsty

btw you guys are the same age


Y/n's POV:

After the fight Natagumo Mountain... we had to help a lot of people get back to the Butterfly estate. As a pillar I would normally be busy... but I have no missions right now.. so why not help?

I had to drag this boar headed... human... back to the estate... I was told he was quite loud so... this is going to be annoying.. He was tied up... so I had to cut him down. His body dropped to the ground and he grunted... 'I guess he's awake now' I thought.. he didn't speak... 'Maybe he fell asleep?' I thought again. I knelt down and threw him over my shoulders. He was still tied up so he couldn't try to do anything, plus, he must be hella tired.

I could his chest rising then falling on my back. I could see through his aura that he was depressed. 'Depressed he couldn't fight back? i don't know... I guess I'll ask him when he wakes up.' I thought.

Time skip:

Inosuke's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open. 'Ugh. I still have my mask on.' I slowly take it off as my head's still spinning like a tornado... and my arms feel SOREEEEEEE 'oh there's Monitsu...' I look over to whatever way it's called.. LEFT! (It was actually right ->)

I look over to that way to see a... a girl wearing a beautiful pink kimono. 'WAIT I CAN'T SAY THAT' I shook my head.

"What are you doing here-" I said having no clue of what the prett- DISGUSTING girl's name was.

"L/n Y/n. I'm the Asagao Pillar (Asagao is a flower that was gifted to the Japanese from the Chinese)," she said very bluntly. 'What's up with her' I thought. She grabbed her Nichirin sword and started.. CLEANING IT?!?! CAN'T YOU DO THAT SOMEWHERE ELSE LADY?!?!

"Your aura... it's disturbing me. Do you want to talk about it," She said looking at me. 'Her eyes are beautiful- INOSUKE STOP. THE GREAT INOSUKE WON'T BE SEDUCED' I thought again. I could feel heat rise up to my cheeks.


Y/n's POV:

"NO, THE GREAT INOSUKE IS FINE. I DON'T NEED HELP FROM A WEAKLING," He yelled. 'ouch' I thought. My eyes soften. And I start.. frowning.. just how I use to... I grab my sword and start walking out of the room feeling hurt. 'I shouldn't feel hurt, I'm a freaking Hashira for crying out loud, so what if you get called weak,'.

"wai-" I cut him off by slamming the door. My faced was scrunched up. I must've looked really pissed... I felt pissed. I walk forward to see a boy with a box, I didn't go to the meeting this morning so maybe that was the boy they were talking about. I forced a smile at him, he just had a concerned face. 'Does he think I'm gonna hurt him?' I thought.

"I'm not gonna hurt you.." You said softening ur facial expression.

"Ah, Sorry.. I was just a bit frightened because of how hard you slammed the door.." He said nervously whilst rubbing his neck. I felt bad for how I treated Inosuke... 'Wait- I shouldn't feel bad he's the one who called me a weakling!' I internally said.

Time Skip to a week later (because I'm lazy 😜):

The past few days I've been told to visit the 3 boys. I ended up learning a lot about them! There's Zenitsu, he's such a big flirt. Tanjiro, he's really kind and he introduced me to his adorable little sister! Then there's Inosuke. I ended up apologising to him for slamming the door... he may be pretty feisty... and always up for a fight.. but once you get to know him.. he's the most adorable boy out of the three! 'But also quite hot-' I slapped my head and put my focus on the book in hand, sitting alone on the floor, having no contact with anyone for the past 3 hours. 

Tears started to form on the brim of my eye. This book reminded me too much of my suffering; Abuse, bullying, slavery... I quickly put the book down and wiped my tears. But the tears. They wouldn't stop. I rubbed my eyes trying to get the excess water out. I sobbed uncontrollably, they just kept coming down.

Inosuke's POV:

I yawned and walked to the kitchen. 'Damn I really want tempura, maybe Y/n will make me some..' I thought. I walked towards her room, slowly.. I was planning to sneak attack her.. until I heard.. laughing? no. Crying. I started sprinting towards the room and burst the door open. Then, I saw her. Her hands were covering her face, on one side of her there was a book and on the other was a candle. 'I don't even think she knows I'm in the room..'. I slowly walked towards her and knelt down to my knees and do something I've never done before... hug her. She stiffened in my touch then suddenly hugged me back. We sat there, she had her hands on my chest and she- SHE KISSED ME.

Y/n's POV:

I kissed him. HOLY SH*T I KISSED HIM.

"I-I'm so sorry I-I didn'tmeantodothatI'msosorrypleaseforgivem-" you got cut off but a pair of lips. His lips. It was sloppy, but over a couple of minutes it got better. We pulled apart and gasped for air.

"Inosuke... I have to tell you something I just figured out.. I really like you.." I said. I had no control over what I was doing or saying.. but all of it were true.

"I like you too Y/n.." He replied. I've never seen this side of Inosuke before... He smiled so brightly the sun could never compare. He whispered in my ear something I would never ever forget.

"Since we like each other... You're mine,"


A/n: Hoped you enjoyed! PLEASEEEEE REQUESTTTTTTTTTTTTT! I'M BOREDDDDDDDD. Thanks for reading!


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