Part Two

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Sundays comprised of me getting up with the aching want to get back to sleep and luckily my headache is gone so I can do my morning run.

I shower, put on my running clothes and eat light breakfast. After, I exit my apartment. While I opened the door, I noticed that my black flat, the one that I had thrown at that jerk John or whatever was there and had a note that says: 

"Don't think that I'm not going to get back at you for throwing your shoe at me."

even as I read it I can hear the smugness in his voice.

"Ugh, this jerk." I say, putting the flat inside and proceeding to go down and exit my apartment building. I say hi to Ned as once I get out, I go over to the nearby park. I take a breath and begin running.

I run because I get there faster and I love the adrenaline rush I get after. Besides the fact that it keeps me fit and in shape, running clears my mind and gives me a sense of freedom.

I run for a good hour or so until I stop to take a deep breath. Sweat is running down my forehead and I can feel the burn from running. I take a gulp of water from my water bottle and proceed to do a little more running before I go back home to shower.

As I run, I look around at the beautiful New York scene.  The lush trees and the comforting noise from nearby cars and such. It feels peaceful until I slam hard into someone. When I look up and its my least favorite jerk.

"We seem to be running into each other quite a lot lately." He says, chuckling lightly to himself.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know jerks like you stood in the park." I say, coldly. My Sunday has been officially ruined.

"Well, that's a pleasant apology." He says, giving me a look which makes me want to punch his brains out.

"I don't think you deserve one, Jake."

"Well, I think I do and my name is Justin not Jake, Emma."

How did he know my name? Is he stalker of some sort?

"How'd you know my name?" I say, suspiciously.

"Before you assume that I stalked you I will say that I read your name tag at the cafe when you served me." He says, grinning as I blush.

Oh that was stupid. Stupid, Emma purely stupid.

"Sorry for bumping you." I say, rubbing th e back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Apology accepted. Would you like to come with me for a cup of coffee?"

"No." I say, automatically.

"Is it because I'll tease you about yesterday? Well rest assured, I won't."

"Oh no, I wouldn't fit it with you and just by the way you're dressed I look like an outsider." I say, looking down at his ironed blue dress shirt, casual pants and shoes. While casual, all of his clothes still make him look powerful and influential which I'm intimidated by (but there's no way I'm telling him that. )

He smirks at my running clothes then says "You look fine. Let's go." He says, grabbing my arm pulling me.

We head to a normal New York cafe and he seats me down. He sits down and calls over a waitress. He orders one black coffee and he then says "For you?"

"One cup with sugar and creamer please." I say, politely.

The waitress smiles at us and leaves us to talk.

"So, you're Justin Keith. Heard a lot about you from my coworker yesterday. She said you have loads of cash and a very sought after bachelor." I say, conversationally.

"Yes. I am Justin Edward M. Keith, CEO of Edison and Keith Corporations. I am pretty rich and I've had a few girlfriends but nothing more than flings. How about you Emma?" He says smoothly.

"Um, what am I supposed to say? Emma Corinne L. Stewart, waitress at Simply Sweet Cafe, I'm middle class and I haven't had more than one boyfriend?" I say.

He chuckles slightly and says "Your second name is Corinne? Doesn't suit you honestly."

"Your second name is Edward?" I say, with the same tone.

He continues to laugh as I just get more and more peeved off. Why did I agree to coffee this annoying jerk?

"So what do you think about dinner tonight?"

I nearly choke on the water I just sipped. What? This jerk.

"Why me? You could have a supermodel if you wanted."

He looks at me and says "I find you amusing. You're fierce and very spunky. I happen to like spunk in my women."

I'm one of his women now? No. No. I, Emma Stewart will not be charmed by this jerk who thinks I will tumble into bed with him by the snap of his fingers.

Our coffees come and he takes a long sip from his.  He is about say something when his phone rings. He quickly answers it and he goes off somewhere private to take it.

While annoyed and wanting to leave already, I take out a few bills, slam in on the table, down my coffee and stand up to leave. I'm about to exit through the door when someone grabs my arm, I turn around and I see Justin's amber eyes stare fiercely.

"Were you going to stand me up?" He says, quietly.

I contemplate whether I should lie or tell him the truth about I'm getting annoyed with his attitude.

"Yes. I was. I'm not interested with your whole attitude. You're vain, arrogant and I know you think I'll just sleep with you because your rich and all that. You think I'm just a refreshing change from your normal string of women. But I'm not someone like that so the idea of us getting dinner is out of the question." I say, shrugging off his arm and leaving. I take a cab back to my apartment and I lock myself inside once I get there.

Despite his womanizing attitude, he's actually quite charming  flashes through my mind. Ugh, no. He isn't a good person and I'm not gonna be wooed by his charm.



So this part is late and I'm beginning to wonder how far I'll go with this. I might do one last bit or so, I'm not very sure since this was just a crazy idea I wanted to pursue.

Anyways, I'll be posting the next bit in a while so stay tuned for that and yeah,

Thanks for reading and love you all,


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