~Calming Down~

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Bakugou's P.O.V.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" I yell at the three idiots as I chase them around my room. They scream loudly as I start to try and explode their asses. Mina and Kaminari run under my bed as I corner Sero.

"Now now you little shit. Time for you to go be with-" I get cut off by tiny arms rapping around my legs. "B-Bakugou... Please don't hurt him." Kirishima says looking up at me with teary eyes.


I immediately crouch down and pick him up. He hugs my neck and wraps his legs around my waist.

"Sorry shitty hair." I mumble to him. 

"What the..............................." Sero says to Mina and Kaminari as he points to me and shitty hair.

"Bakugou said sorry??!" Kaminari asks while he slowly comes out from under the bed.

"Omg- This is so cute!" Raccoon eyes squeals, running over to me. I roll my eyes and scoff.

These idiots aren't going to let this go.

Kirishima hugs my neck tighter and pulls my body closer to his. I feel my face grow hot as I stiffen.


"K-Kirishima- What the hell are you doing???!" I blurt.

"Its called a hug Bakubro." He says as he laughs a bit and wipes his eyes on my shirt.

"A hug?" I ask confused. 


"Yeah. I don't really know how to explain it-" He says as he shifts a bit.

"I do!" Mina says as she dances around the room. "Its how people show affection!" 

I whip my head around to her and stare. "...." We stare at each other for a while. "NANI?!" I ask, turning red.

"I didn't stutter did I~" She says as she dances some more. "I advise you to keep your damn mouth shut if you want to live." I say to her through gritted teeth.

"Calm down Bakugou." Kirishima says to me. I nod and take a deep breath. I soon ask everyone if they're hungry or not.

"Yeah! Come to think of it, I'm famished!" Kaminari says rubbing his belly.

"Oh that's great!" I say smiling. "Would you like me to shove ten dinner rolls down your throat? :)" I ask as he hides behind Sero.

"Could you calm down Bakugay?!" Mina says as she crosses her arms and shakes her head in disappointment.

"NANI?" I yell looking at her. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" 

"Don't you yell at momma Mina like that!" She says as she scolds me. "I might be shrunken, but that doesn't change who I am!" 


"Nani?" I ask calmly. Has this weirdo lost her mind again? 

"Now go get me and the boys some food." She says pointing to the door. "And leave Kiriqueen behind." 

I glare at her as I set Kirishima down on the ground. "Shitty hair you're in charge." I say as I pat him on the head. "Watch after the idiots while I'm gone." I say just before walking out the door.

Kirishima's P.O.V.

"Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?!" Mina asks me, wiggling her eye brows.

"So what?" I ask confused.

"What trouble are we going to get into while Bakuhoe can't see!?" She asks as she leans against Sero and Kaminari, smirking.

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