Chapter 29 ~ The Northen Water Tribe

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Karina felt her body begin to shake at the sight before her.

The first fireball hurtled directly at the magnificent structure, striking the symbol in the centre destroying it completely. Without missing a beat a second fireball hurtled towards the remainders of the wall. Landing in the canal with an explosion of smoke, water and fire. Like clockwork another is launched, this time striking the right side of the wall, shattering it completely.

A dark smile rests on her father's face as he looks at his destruction, eyes glinting with some far off emotion.  She had known he was a bad person, Karina had suffered at his hands her whole life, she had seen him commit unspeakable acts, but until this moment she had always hoped that there was good within him, always loved him as her father. Looking upon him now, all she could see was a monster. 

Pushing past him she attempted to head back inside, she had to find the others, perhaps they could stop it. Zuko had defeated her father once before, he could do it again.  However, her attempts were  halted as Zhao grabbed her arm, a small burning sensation rippling through her skin as his grip tightened. 

"I told you to watch," Zhao spits as he yanks her infront of him, forcing her to look upon the distruction. 

"Please," She begged, a small sob escaping her lips, "Please stop." Her father either cannot hear her or does not care because he does not let her go. His own eyes fixated with his glorious chaos. His smile turns to a frown as he notices the Avatar's flying Bison heading in their direction. Shaking his head slightly he began to stagger back his grip still firm on Karina.  

"FIRE AT THE BEAST!" He screams, the men do as they are instructed and several fireballs are launched in their direction. The flying bison avoided the first few with ease ,the last being batted out of the way by Aang himself before he propels himself off of the beast beginning his freefall onto the ship. 

Zhao gritted his teeth, a familiar rage pumping through his veigns. He would not let this petchulant child destroy his plans. Loosening his grip on Karina, she managed to break free of his grasp. Everything in her body told her to run, he was a monster, and there was nothing she could do for him. Against her better judgement she reached out a hand resting it softly on her Fathers shoulder. For a moment the dark expression fell from his face and he turned to lock eyes with his daughter. He had always hated her eyes, they only served to remind him of her Mother. 

"Please," She begged again her voice more firm than before, "It's not too late to stop this." For a moment it seems as if she has actually gotten through to him. Zhao slumps his shoulders, something she's never seen him do before. Karina smiles lightly, had she really done it? "You're not a mo-"

Her words are cut off as Zhao brings his hand down on her cheek slapping her harshly, the unexpected blow forces Karina to the floor tears pricking in the corner of her eyes. 

"How dare you." His voice is calm but he is clearly seething. His eyes flick to scan the rest of his ship, the Avatar is still continuing his assult, showing no signs of stopping. "You will not stand in my way, I will not stop, I am Admiral Zhao and this is my ship!" reaching down to her he grabs a fistful of her hair pulling her up to a standing position. 

Tears rolled down Karina's cheeks as she forced her eyes shut, she did not want to see this, if she could close her eyes she could pretend it wasnt real. Pretend she was somewhere else. This did not stop Zhao's assult as he wrapped a hand around her throat. 

"Your Mother betrayed me," He screamed  heat swirling into the centre of his palm, "I will not allow you to do the same!" 

Whatever Zhao intends to do is halted as the ship begins to shake violently, Karina slips free of his grasp and falls to the floor. Suddenly a giant spear of ice rips through the foredeck pointing straight for the sky. Ice begins to build on the hull of the ship encasing it entirely. Watertribe skiffs surrond the ship, working tgether they lift the ship out of the water and onto a bed of ice halting any further attacks. 

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