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Me and Mason continued taking turns with the controller while playing the game. The guys were yelling from how quick they started to die and how low of kills they were getting while I just laughed. They swore everyone was taking their kills.

After a while I turned to Mason, "I'm going to go make dinner. "

He nodded before kissing my cheek and moving his hands from around my waist.

I stood making my way to the kitchen.

I think I'll make shrimp alfredo and brownies for dinner tonight. I moved over to the fridge grabbing the ingredients, setting them down on the counter when someone walked in.

''So I see you can cook,'' she said with a sassy unsatisfied tone.

I looked up at her while setting the rest of the things I need for dinner tonight down. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she rolled her eyes.

"I can and I see that you honestly don't care that I can do that. I can also see that you don't like me, it's not hard to miss."

I took a deep breath before grabbing a mixing bowl to start making brownies.

''I see that you're pretty smart, good I didn't have to spell it out to you." She smiled before flipping her diva curls over her shoulders.

"You know I honestly don't like you at all.''

I rolled my eyes and turned around to the kitchen sink to fill the pot with water and after setting it on the stove, and turning the stove on. I turned my attention back to her.

"Well for all that I care you can get out of my house I didn't invite."

She didn't like my comment, but I really didn't care. I really want her to get out of my house. Her and that bad ass attitude.

I turned my back to her to move to get the things I need for the brownies.

''You know what, believe it or not, me and Mason used to date. I don't know if he told you that, but again I don't think he would. I mean after all I introduced him to BDSM and I was his first submissive.''

I stopped what I was doing for a second, but continued shortly.

"Oh and first love of course."

I could feel my heart stop in my chest until it started to beat uncontrollably fast as I turned around setting everything on the table while staring at her.

I didn't know that they used to date, hell I didn't even know that she was his first submissive or that she introduced him into BDSM. I definitely didn't know that she was his first love.

I was trying to appear calm and collected in this situation.

I was trying to understand why he didn't tell me this. He had his ex in our damn house, not just his ex, but an ex submissive and lover.

Martin told me earlier they just talked, yet she's saying this bull.

How could Mason not tell me?

I would have taken it better if he had told me then finding out from someone else, but I guess we are two different people because I would have told them instead of leaving him clueless. My heart felt like someone was squeezing it agonizingly tight.

I didn't want to believe her. After all, she may just be trying to get under my skin and I would say that it's working, but again what if it is true? Why didn't he tell me?

I sighed and took another breath.

I pushed my thoughts aside as I looked down at the bowl while pouring cocoa powder, flour, and sugar into the bowl in front of me and whisked them together.

"Ken or whatever your name is, I don't have time for your foolishness. I don't believe you. You just want a reaction out of me. I know that you're lying, he wouldn't put me in a position like this,he wouldn't hurt me."

''You think so, you have that much faith in your relationship?''

I stopped pouring the rest of the ingredients in the bowl and looked up at her only to find her already looking back at me, staring me down as if I would cower away from her stare.

''You don't know him as well as I do then, why do you think we even broke up? It wasn't because he stopped having feelings for me, it was because he couldn't stop sleeping around on me and hurting me. So I left and I broke his heart which broke mine too."

I watched her as she wore a sad expression for a moment.

I could feel my heart sink. How and why?

Why is she telling me this? What's her motive here?

I thought for a second that she was just trying to get under my skin, but now I don't even know.

The way they both looked at each other while they were in a room together was starting to make sense, but is it really?
Or am I just trying to piece what can't be pieced together, am I trying to deny the fact that he has been lying to me this whole time, he didn't even tell me any of this.

I knew something was wrong the moment she burst through those doors and attached herself to him. It's how his friends were in the middle of us stared at her, but in disapproval.

Why was she even here, why the hell did she come here, why did he ask her to come here?

I had so many questions and so many thoughts were going through my head.

I didn't know if she was just messing with my head, but if she were trying to, it was working. I believe her, but again I don't. I don't trust snakes and she's definitely one of them.

She started to wear a devious smile on her face and the only thing I could think of was what the hell is going on.

That and wiping her face across the marble counter and the floor we stood on.

𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙y🥰

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