Chapter 7- The Seige

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I currently dont have any cover art for this story, so I would greatly appreciate any donated art for the book. -CenturionsofRome


As Harsin finally entered his cohort’s section of the dormitories, he was exhausted. It had been a long day, and a curfew was approaching. As such, Harsin expected everyone to be at least in their rooms, if not asleep. Therefore it was a surprise for Harsin to discover his Spear Leaders quietly talking in his room. Harsin stared at them in turn, rubbed his hand over his face and said “You do realize there is a curfew, and it starts in a few minutes, right?”

“Sir, we need to talk,” Tharkson said. Harsin sighed again “Can’t it wait till the morning?” he asked. Harsin got a chorus of Nos. “Fine. What is it?” He asked. “How is it that you’ve never picked up a sword until a week ago, and you’re already a master with it?” Tharkson demanded. “I saw your stunt at Hope. I know that Connar would never have taught you that move. I heard what you did to that pole. Several Lupi under my command tried to repeat that and got hurt.” “How badly?” Harsin interrupted, concerned.

“Not very, thankfully. They were able to complete the rest of the stations. But that’s not the point. Are you trying to make us look like idiots?” Tharkson continued. Harsin was confused “What do you mean?” he asked. Tharkson stepped closer. “What do I mean?” he repeated “I mean that in every station, you have displayed vastly more skill than anyone else.” “I didn’t do so well on the obstacle course,” Harsin interrupted. “Irrelevant. Even after that, while those Spear Leaders were instructing us on proper etiquette, you vanish. Like just because you are a centurion, you are better than all of us!” Tharkson snarled.

And finally, Harsin understood the source of Tharkson’s anger. In any other situation, Harsin would have laughed. It was because Tharkson, the reliable blacksmith, who had always been there for Harsin when Connar wasn’t around, and a role model for the village, was now jealous of Harsin, a young impulsive Lupi with a lot of natural talent in many situations who was now giving orders to Tharkson, who still viewed himself as Harsin’s elder. Quite frankly, Harsin was surprised that he hadn’t noticed or predicted this rift between himself and someone he still relied upon and looked up to. He knew that the truth wouldn’t placate Tharkson’s anger, but that he also had to bridge this gap between them.

Harsin spread his arms. “Tharkson, what have I done to wrong you?” Tharkson took a breath to say something, but Harsin headed him off “Despite what you seem to think, I have not intentionally slighted you, or anyone else. Those drills at the stations, they weren’t only to teach us those skills. They were also to test our proficiency with said skills, which would allow our commanding officers to place us in a position where we would be of greatest value.

“Would it have been fair to do anything other than my best? Would it have been fair to others? At Hope, I thought if I’m going to die, I want an escort. I would have died if you hadn’t pulled me out of there and hauled me to the boats, over half a mile away while leading a fighting retreat the whole way. You saved well over half the town, not me.

“I lasted maybe five minutes, and you lasted the entire battle. You are the hero of Hope, not me. And as for the pole, well, I just wanted to stop being hit by that infernal sack. I swear the thing laughed at me each time it hit me.” There were several knowing chuckles. “As for the swordsmanship, those were just basic maneuvers. Anyone could have done them.” “I couldn’t,” someone said. Harsin was taken aback.

“My apologies. And on the obstacle course, I finished fifth from last. For the archery, I’ve trained with a bow for years, so it shouldn’t be surprising that I excelled there. And most recently, Marl ordered me to follow him, so I did. That’s why I wasn’t around.” “Where did Marl take you?” Tharkson asked. “To have a conference with the Captain. He wanted to know some details about Hope. Then on my way back here, I got lost, again. So again I ask, what have I done to wrong any of you?” Harsin finished. Silence filled the room for several minutes. Then Harsin said “We have a big day tomorrow. Get some sleep.”

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