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( broken boy, how does it feel? )

chapter one


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"WE SHOULD HAVE SEX." Was probably the worst thing Christopher Sutherland could have ever been told in his life. He did not like that suggestion one bit, and so he froze up, a piece of much too burnt toast hovering between his teeth as he slowly turned his body around to look at the speaker.

"What?" Chris mumbled fast, accidentally biting his tongue as he spoke, completely missing the toast, wincing and cursing under his breath as he smacked the toast back down on the plate.

Delilah Henderson, a beautiful seventeen-year-old with a physique any seventeen-year-old boy who was not in Chris's odd position would appreciate wholeheartedly, stood in front of Chris, hands on her hips as she looked down at her boyfriend. Her hair was whiffed up in a huge ponytail like it was the fucking eighties, and she was wearing a white flowery dress that fit her nicely. Chris had told her she looked nice earlier that morning before they'd went to school, and she really did, but now was not the time.

"We should have sex, Chris. Sometime this week, if you want." Delilah spoke, sitting down in a chair across from Chris, grabbing a bowl and pouring some Cheerios into it. Chris was at Delilah's house. He'd headed to her house right after school ended as he usually did, and it hadn't been any different this time. Chris thought of Delilah as a really good friend, and that was probably bad considering she was his girlfriend after all. Delilah's house was nice, much nicer than Chris's.

Chris stayed silent, suddenly looking considerably nervous. He had never even thought about the fact that Delilah would probably want to have sex with him at some point in their relationship. Sometimes Chris forgot that Delilah didn't know this relationship was fake.

Delilah clearly saw how nervous Chris was getting, and sighed gently, reaching a gentle hand out to rest over his. "If you don't want to have sex, we don't have to. I just figured you would be getting tired of it." She spoke softly. And there it was. Delilah was too nice for this, and Chris felt so fucking guilty that he thought he could throw up then and there.

"Getting tired of what?" Chris asked immediately, not knowing what else to say.

"Getting tired of not hooking up with anyone in a month. I know you used to do it with a ton of girls at parties, I've heard the stories. I just want you to be happy," Delilah smiled gently, squeezing Chris's hand softly in her gentle grip. That was where Chris stood up fast and pulled his hand away from Delilah quickly, swallowing hard. Delilah didn't deserve this, she really didn't.

"I'm really happy, D. You know that," Chris mumbled quickly, grabbing his jacket- red and beige with his name imprinted in cursive on the breast and the back with his last name SUTHERLAND and his number, 12- and shrugging it onto his shoulders. "I'm gonna head out early. I forgot that I have to meet up with Brad. I left something at his house." He lied through his teeth. Chris had gotten way too good at lying, to the point where it was kind of scary to him. He lied without even meaning to sometimes.

bloody witch ~ ( stanley barber )Where stories live. Discover now