Where Did I Begin?

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"So I hear that you have your first tour coming up as a lone wolf, how does it feel knowing you're not going to have your band-mates by your side?" Ernie asks intrigued.

I should've been prepared to be asked questions like this, but in all honesty I'm not ready. I have to think of a response while keeping my emotions to myself, because apparently no artist is allowed to be sad. "I'm excited to go on tour again and see all the fans, but I must admit that it will be a bit odd not having the girls there." "It feels like only yesterday that I was auditioning on The X Factor for the whole world to see, and I definitely wasn't expecting to be this fortunate." I nervously laugh, my Australian accent coming through thick.

"We can all inform you that we are all very excited to see what you can achieve on your own." The live audience cheers along with his statement.

'They're lying I'm not ready to be on my own which is going to cause the tour to suck, I keep convincing myself that I'm not ready but everyone else seems to think that I am.

(8 years ago...)

"H get up we're gonna be late!" My 15 year old voice booms throughout Harry's bedroom.

"I don't know why you're so biased on thinking that if we don't leave right this second that we're gonna miss the auditions."

"Harry Edward Styles don't critique my ideas lets go."

"Fine i'm up jeez, are Gemma and Mae even ready yet, cause I refuse to wait for their lazy asses to get ready."

"I made sure that Anne and my dad got them up because no one is going to ruin this day for me, and I repeat, NO ONE!"

"Fin I do not wanna be there on your wedding day if this is how you act over an audition." Harry snickers as he climbs out of bed, with his curls going in every direction.

(Present Time)

How is it that I can go from a bubbly teenage girl, to a scared shitless, controlled woman. I don't think that I will ever understand the concept that fame is all magical. Yes, we all have amazing days and I love my fans like they're my family, but having to deal with the paps all day, and having to hide nearly everything from everyone, because you don't have knowledge of who you can trust gets old after awhile. And don't even remind me about managers, I thought going into this that I would be best-friends with my manager, which I am now, but I wasn't aware that my first ever manager would be the one man I hated with my whole heart, Simon Cowell. He abuses nearly everyone he works with, because all he wants is money, but no one else knows that because all they see is a man who criticizes everyone on The X Factor.

"I owe all of my success to the girls and my fans, and even though I won't have my girls with me, I will still hopefully perform some amazing shows!"

"We're all very excited for the album and can't wait for you to rock the stage, Finley Rowan everyone!" The audience goes crazy as the cameras shut off, and the interview ends.

As I stand I give a hug to Ernie, and tell him goodbye, while making my way back to my room backstage. When I open the door, my beloved sister Mae greets me as always. Mae became my makeup artist as soon as she got out of school. Personally I think the only reason she did it was to go on tour with me, but she claims otherwise. "Are you packed up?"

"Yeah everything is ready to go, you wanna get out of here and go see the boyos."

"Is the leprechaun going to be there?"

"I don't know I can text Gem if you want, we don't need any awkwardness today."

"If he is I can just stay with Harry, Louis, Gem and you, I don't wanna cause any drama."

"After everything that has happened between you guys, you have the right to not want to be around him."

"I guess, but lets go we can text them on the way there." While loading the bags into the car Mae nearly slips and falls over her makeup case. I try my hardest not to crack out a smile while helping her up, but fail not so subtly.

"Fuck off." Laughing she almost falls again, which causes me to cackle even more.

"Lets just go you clumsy dickhead." Trying to get both my sister and I in the same place without laughing our asses off is nearly impossible. While starting the car, Mae reaches for the radio and instantly Harry's song Sign of the Times, booms throughout the car. Of course Harry's song would be on the radio, he's one of the most talented people I know, not to mention the sweetest. Harry and I became best friends when we were both about 10. My dad, sister and I had just moved from Australia into the Cheshire, because of a job opportunity. Little did I know that I would meet my second family, and life long best friend.

While pulling up to an all too familiar house, Mae and I jump out of the car, and walk up to the front door to be greeted by Harry and Louis, the best power-couple out there. Harry and Louis, which I commonly refer to them as Larry, are forced to hide their relationship from the world once again because of Simon. The One Direction Boys, and the K.I.K girls all share a common hatred for the man that ruined all of our lives behind the scenes.

"Hi bubs!" Harry and I embrace each other for a good amount of time, since we haven't seen each other in over a week. As we release I go and say hello to the rest of the boys and Gemma, as Mae does the same. While walking into the living room of Larry's fabulous house, I see something that I would never wish upon anyone. Ever.

Niall Horan full on snogging Hailee Steinfeld right on the couch.

(hi everyone I hope you liked the first chapter even though it might be crappy, but I promise that the writing will get better over time <3) (also i'm sorry that this chapter is short, they will get longer but this is just the introduction)

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