Here We Go

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( 2 Weeks Later...)

Here I am laying on the floor, having a full blown panic attack only hours before I'm supposed to go on stage. I thought I could get through this, I thought that I could get over the fear of being self conscious and performing alone. Hell, I even made sure that the first show of this damn tour was in Australia just to calm me down some. Not to mention, that I feel awful for feeling like this. I always tried to make all of our concerts about the fans, but here I am crying in my dressing room, acting like a scared little bitch.

I hear a knock come from the door, and I instantly know that it's either Mae or Harry. To my luck it's Harry that comes waltzing in with a smile on his face, looking a bit too excited. As soon as his eyes come across my face his smile drops, which makes me just feel worse. I mean who would ever want to be the reason that Harry Styles lost his smile.

"Hey what's wrong, Fin you were perfectly fine a couple of hours ago?!"

"Harry I don't know if I can do this, what if they don't like the album, or if they don't like it live. Next thing you know I'm gonna be a walking meme on Twitter!" Just thinking about that makes me want to crawl into a hole and never come out. I love my fans to death, they're the best people I know, but if they don't like the first things that I have created as a solo artist, I don't know what I'll do.

"Finley they love you and are here to support you no matter what! I can promise you that they will love every second of every song. You could sing a bloody Micheal Jackson song and they would love it!"

As Harry starts his rant, there's a knock at the door. With that knock, a 'come in' came from Harry's mouth. The door slowly opened, and a blonde headed leprechaun came in with scarce steps, almost as if he was afraid. "What are you doing here?" I could hear the attitude in my voice come out with ease, as I looked up Niall from the floor.

"The boys wa-wanted to know where Harry was."

"Well he's right here so go ahead, take him."

"I can come back if you-"

"No it's fine! I need to think before the show anyways."

"I'll give you guys a second." At this time I wanted to shoot daggers at Harold. I didn't want to be alone with Niall. I was already stressed enough. I was nearly at my breaking point and if I had to spend anytime with Niall, I would just crumble. I sit there giving Harry the dirtiest glare I think anyone has ever seen, while he just walks out with a sly smirk, almost as if he's up to something.

"You do realize you don't have to stay, you can leave, I'm fine."

"It's okay, I can stay."

"Niall I don't think you're understanding me, go, I can handle myself."

"I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Why, why do you care so much all of a sudden Niall! Why? You never seemed to care before, why now? You left me behind without a single thought and didn't care! But all of a sudden I'm crying and then you seem to care!" Niall just stares at the ground with nothing to say. Good. Soon my anxieties get flushed away and replaced with anger. I've been wanting to say these things to him since that day in the apartment. I've always wondered why, but I never cared enough to ask. When he left me for her, I gave up caring, so I never asked.

"Do you think you can just walk in here and pretend to care?! Huh? I mean that's the only other reason I can think of for why you're in here. Or matter a fact, why are you here in general, cause I know I didn't invite you!" I'm trying so hard to contain myself, but my walls are cracking and everything is slowly pouring out. I'm breaking just like I said I would. But it's good. I deserve to get these answers after all of this time. I deserve to know why the fuck he all of a sudden cares.

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