Chapter 6 Take It To Our Graves

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"Damn-it!" Melody exclaimed.

"Melody, language!" Oliver laughed, downstairs.

Melody shook her foot to help the pain in her toes ease, but it only made it worse. She grabbed her phone off of the nightstand and grumbled a few choice words under her breath. She trudged back down the stairs as she read through her missed messages. There were two from her parents--which honestly surprised her. 

--Hey, Melody, sorry about not being there this year. We are going to come home early to pick up your sister, so make sure the house is clean.

She ignored the second one. There was nothing more like a dysfunctional relationship to ruin her mood.

Oliver sat on the couch with his legs propped up on the coffee table, "Hey," Melody said, "I think I'm about to go to bed."

"Why? it's the weekend, your sister has already gone to bed, there's no one to stop us from doing whatever we want..." Oliver looked at her with an evil grin that made her heart pick up speed.

"And what are you implying that we do?" melody asked, swaggering over to him and plopping down next to him on the couch.

"Well..." Oliver leaned in close to her, their faces inches apart. In an instant he was on top of her and his fingers made contact with her sides, causing her to break out into a hysteric laughing fit.

"H-hey! S-stop...that...that...tickles!" she said between gasps for air and laughing.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my victory!" Oliver said.

In Melody's struggle to get free, her shirt had moved up, exposing her stomach and--embarrassingly--part of her bra. She pushed against Oliver's chest, attempting to get him off long enough for her to breathe, but instead pushed them both off of the couch. She landed on him, knocking what little breath they had left out. When they both regained their breath, Melody was still giggling slightly. Neither Melody or Oliver realized their compromising position until they heard Ami gasp from the doorway and Oliver realized that his hands were now underneath Melody's shirt. When he opened his mouth to apologize, Melody leaned her head down into the crook of his neck and whispered, "Act like we're making out." into his ear so quietly that he almost didn't hear her.

They both stayed there for a moment before Ami started to flip and pace, "What the mess, guys?"

Melody sat up and looked over her shoulder, "What? Don't tell me that you and Dillon haven't made some kind of contact before?" 

Ami stopped, "Ew! No! God, that's disgusting! I don't want to kiss anyone!" 

Oliver sat up and shrugged, "Well I can tell you who wants to kiss you." 


"I guess it doesn't matter..." he twisted a lock of Melody's hair between his fingers and sighed.

"No, tell me!"

Melody and Oliver looked at each other and an evil look crossed through their eyes, as if they knew exactly what the other was thinking, "Well," Oliver started, "you should know them, I mean, you have a crush on them..."

"Wait, Jake?" Ami asked and Oliver broke into a laughing fit.

"You have a crush on Jake?" Melody asked, equally amused.

Ami's face flushed white and her eyes widened, "Y-you tricked me into...does that mean you two weren't actually...?" she made a few gestures with her hand to explain the rest.

"No we weren't actually kissing." Melody emphasized the word 'kissing' as a sign to her sister that it was an acceptable term to use.

Oliver released his grip on Melody's waist and rubbed his face with his hands. Ami pulled out her phone and Melody narrowed her eyes at her younger sister, "What are you doing?"

"Well, I have some on here that you sent to Mat and unless you want the entire school seeing them, you have to do one thing that I don't think either of you would find fun." Ami said.

"What?!" Melody exclaimed.

A grim smile crossed Ami's face and she laughed maniacally for a moment, "So, how would you two feel about actually kissing?" 

"You wouldn't..." Melody gasped.

"Oh-ho, I would! I have Mat already on my phone, so that means if you don't, all I have to do is tell him to send them to all of his buddies. Before long the whole school will know about your belly-button piercing." 

Melody turned to Oliver who was suddenly red faced, "Dude, I'm sorry, but you gotta take one for the team." 

Before he had time to respond, Melody grabbed Oliver's collar and pressed their lips together. He squeaked and tried to jerk away, but she had a firm grip on his shirt and there was no escape. She felt him jerk and gasp, and she backed off slightly, sliding her hands off his collar to his shoulders. The two heard the camera on Ami's phone go off, but they couldn't exactly do anything, because, for one: Melody was topping and Oliver didn't have a clue what he was doing, and two: she was already an outcast, there was no need to have anything else for people to talk about.

After a moment, Melody backed off and wiped the corner of her mouth with her arm, "We take this to our graves." 

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