Chapter 13 Wonderland

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WARNING: Slight sexual content--if you aren't into that stuff, please skip until no more sexual things are happening--DO NOT COMPLAIN

As time went on, the group of friends became closer, and by the time new years rolled around, it was like they had known each other forever. On New Years Eve, Oliver was the first person to show up at Melody's house. Ami came out of her room and pushed him back into the living room, "You can't go up there right now!" she said quickly.

"Why?" he took off his jacket and brushed snow off of his pants that hadn't melted yet.

"Our parent's called earlier and I don't know how much she's been drinking." Ami lowered her voice as Melody's door opened and music blared down the stairs.

"Ami," she laughed, "you would never believe what Mat just tried to say to me--" she stopped as she entered the living room. Her cheeks were dusted pink by alcohol and her hair was disheveled and thrown into a messy bun. She wore a pair of gray sweats that hung low on her waist and a tanktop that her chest was almost too big for. Her smile dropped and she looked down for a moment, "What are you doing here this early?"

"I told you I was coming..." Oliver said, the acid in his voice present.

"Don't look at me like that!" Melody said, though her words were slightly slurred.

She was coherent of everything around her, so obviously she hadn't had that much to drink. It was just enough to dust her cheeks pink and stabilize her mood. "You know how I feel about drinking." Oliver mumbled. He had told her about everything that went on when his mom drank and how much he despised it.

"That's why I never told you. You wouldn't understand anyway." She looked back at Ami, "Are you going over to hang out with Jake or staying here?"

"I'm hanging out with Jake." Ami said.

"Then get going, and be careful." Melody said, motioning towards the door.

Ami left after muttering something sarcastic under her breath and Oliver and Melody stood looking at each other for several seconds before Melody sauntered forward and cocked her head to the side, "Why are you so mad? It's New Years Eve, everyone drinks a little bit." she traced designs onto Oliver's chest.

"Because you know how I feel about that kind of stuff, that's why." Oliver didn't look at her in fear of being guilt tripped into forgetting about it and making out with her. (Which had happened before.)

"Oh, come on, you can't say that you haven't wanted to go to that sweet-tasting Wonderland before. Everyone get's curious about should know, right? You've never been given the chance to do anything wrong or scandelous, and we have 2 hours." she went from trying to get him to not be mad, to trying to get him to drink with her--or that's what it seemed like.

"I'm not drinking." he said plainly.

"Oh-ho, I'm not talking about drinking," she stood on her toes so her lips were next to his ear, "I'm thinking about something much, much more fun."

Oliver felt his face flush and his breath stopped. Of course that's what she was think about, "No."

"Awe, why not?" Melody whined.

"Because, I'm not doing something like that." He said.

"Why~?" she complained as she played with his hair.

Oliver thought about it for a moment, there really wasn't a reason he didn't want to. He had just never thought like that; plus he wouldn't have a clue what he was doing. "I'm just not."

"But please? I love you~" she giggled.

Before he could say anything else, Melody pressed their lips together and tangled her hands in his hair. She pushed him backwards onto the couch and strattled his lap. His hands naturally traveled down her thighs and up her back, pushing her shirt up and pulling it over her head. She giggled and groaned as his lips met the skin of her neck. Maybe this wasn't as hard as he thought, he had gone farther than this with her multipul times, just not all the way. Oliver felt his phone buzz in his back pocket, but he didn't pay any attention to it. It had been a while since they actually had some time alone; he was not going to pass up that opportunity. No matter what he was saying earlier, he was upset with her for drinking, but nothing could stop Melody from getting what she wanted. That was something he had figured out a long time before.

He kissed back up her neck and nibbled at her ear, causing her to squirm and laugh. She tugged at his shirt and he pulled it over his head, throwing it off to the side. Their lips met again and Melody sat up on her knees so that she was over Oliver. She felt him grip at her thighs and he slid his hand in her back pocket.
Before she could respond, he flipped her over and moved one of her knees up over his shoulder. She bit her lip and ran her fingertips over his jaw and pulled him effortlessly up to her lips again. His hands trailed down her body and made her toes curl from the light contact. She let a whimper escape her throat, making Oliver slightly lose control and bite harshly at the skin of her neck and shoulder, leaving a bruise where anyone could see it.
"Ah, god, no need to be so harsh." She whispered hoarsely.
"I thought you liked it rough..." he said softly.
His voice sent chills down Melody's spine. He had never sounded so seductive.

Without any warning a snort came from the doorway of the living room. Oliver sat up and looked at Chase and Lilith who stood there--Lilith blushing at the finely toned chest of her friend and Chase with his hand pressed over his mouth and nodding in approval. Melody sighed and sat up, having forgotten that she was shirtless, and it was Chase's turn to blush at the black lace bra that Melody was wearing. Oliver reached down and handed his shirt to Melody before anyone said anything.
"So, I'm guessing that you didn't get my text?" Chase asked.
Oliver groaned and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, he had ignored it earlier, "I was sort of busy." He said.
"I can tell." Chase said, stealing a glance at Melody who was definitely not amused.
She wrapped one arm around Oliver's neck to keep herself up without any real effort, "I was enjoying myself for once asshole, call my phone next time."
Lilith tapped something out on her phone and tugged on Chase's sweatshirt sleeve. He looked down at it and shrugged, "I don't know, I just never thought that Orion would be getting laid."

Oliver looked at Melody and she laughed, "Everyday that ends in Y."

Lilith looked at Chase, then back to Oliver and Melody. She sometimes found herself imagining what their voices sounded like, but sometimes, in the deep reaches of her mind, her thoughts drifted to Chase more than anyone. Her older sister had told her that 'she loved what he did and not who he was', but she wasn't even sure she liked him like that at all. He was just very nice and caring and told her a lot. Even if she couldn't hear his voice, it didn't matter, she enjoyed watching the way his lips moved and they way his hands moved around in random gestures as he spoke. Even if she couldn't hear him, he still chose to speak as if she could. He still chose to tell her wild stories that they both knew weren't true, but we're something to pass the time. He defended her from the preps and populars that targeted her. She often caught him staring, but didn't care, he was special, she didn't care if he gazed at her while she read, or if he looked over her shoulder as she doodled on a spare piece of notebook paper. She enjoyed having a friend like that, sure he would tease her, but he never meant anything he said.
She felt someone touch her back and she straightened. She looked up at Chase who had his face twisted into a look of confusion.
"Are you okay?"
Lilith nodded and pulled at her sleeves, embarrassed that she had spaced out. She shifted and pulled off her jacket, not realising that his hand had lingered on her lower back a few seconds longer than normal.
Oliver stood up and stretched, showing off the muscles in his torso. Melody giggled and mumbled, "Damn, you never cease to amaze me."

Unless you couldn't tell, Melody is the only one who calls Oliver by his name instead of his nickname. Why? Don't ask me, just continue to read. ALSO yes this chapter is awkward in terms of stopping points, I just needed to start a new one because this one has overstayed its welcome.


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