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Third person pov

"KEIJII!!!!!! someones at the dooorrr!!!"
As akaashi heard his mom shout from downstairs he quickly picked up the closest hoodie to him he had and ran down the stairs to greet his friend (crush).  Akaashi opened the door to see a grinning from ear to ear bokuto, visibly very exited.

Akaashi let him in and bokutos beaming eyes scanned the the house akaashi worked very hard to clean. 
"WOw KAASHII its so CLEAN!!"   "Thank you bokuto-san but please calm down"  akaashi said as if he didnt work his ass off to clean it.
Akaashi led him to the kitchen where his mom was making all kinds and shapes of onigiri.  When they walked in mika turned from her cooking and smiled softly at the two bickering at eachother for whatever reason even though they were both blushing a light shade of pink.

Mika giggled slightly "hi sorry to interrupt your lover's quarrel but you must be the famous bokuto-san weve been hearing alot about lately" Both bokuto and akaashi turned  crimson as mika stated only facts. "U-uh yeah i guess i am, nice to meet you akaashi-san im bokuto koutarou!!"  "Nice to meet you too bokuto-kun but mika is just fine, i must say youre a very lively person unlike some people" mika said as she shot a glare to her son.   Akaashi just rolled his eyes in response,  "anyways, im gonna lead him to the room now"
"Wait! You boys just sit here for now im almost done anyways"  akaashi and bokuto turned to eachother with a look and bokuto just shrugged.  "Alright but we have to get ready for the festival soon" akaashi said.

After a some time talking and a LOT of onigiris later akaashi got up and went to get bokutos bags  "Alright we've gotta get ready now-"   "waitt!! those are my bags let me get them, its alright they're pretty heavy too!!"  Bokuto half shouted as he ran to akaashi to get his bags from akaashis hands.  "hehe what a gentleman" mika said with a sly smirk.  "hehe thank you mika-san !! Also thank you for the food and letting me stay here !! Oh! and for giving birth to such an angel!!" Akaashi turned a dark crimson as he heard bokutos words loud and clear, bokuto widened his eyes in realization of what he had just said and slowly a deep shade of red washed over his face. "o-oh i- uh- haha um-"  "yeah akaashi is one pretty boy isn't he?" Mika said in a teasing manner in response to bokutos (gay) panic.  Bokuto stood there frozen before he felt a tug on his sweater, he turns to face a blushing angel as he said "we better get ready now or else its gonna get too crowded" in such a monotonous voice as if he was unfazed although his facial expression didn't match his tone of speech.  "Alrighty then, bokuto-kun it was nice talking to you!!"

They both headed upstairs until they reached two doors akaashi led bokuto to the guest bedroom and showed him where he can put his stuff.  "You have your own bathroom so you can shower and do whatever you need to in there"   Bokuto was looking around at the tidy room and saw a big owl plushie in the middle of the bed, he thought the owl was so cute but he did feel a tad disappointed because he would rather sleep in akaashis bed but this was good enough.

"KAASHHIII i know this is where im gonna be sleeping but i wanna get ready in your
rooomm" bokuto whined as he jumped on the bed and hugged the plush owl tightly.
Akaashi sighed but agreed because who could say no to bokutos puppy dog eyes or just him in general although akaashi would never admit.

Bokuto took his bag of clothes and followed akaashi to his room.  To bokuto akaashis room was much tidier and organized, he also had a big ass bed that could literally fit five akaashis on it.  "Hey kaashi don't you ever feel lonely with this big ass bed of yours??" "Language bokuto-san but no not really, i guess it gets cold but since i only stay on a certain part of it its not too bad"  "oh"  they both just stayed in their positions staring at eachother in comfortable silence they had been used to.
"Hey kaaashhhiiii" bokuto said in a way that sounded like he was teasing, "yes bokuto-san?" "Is that MYY hoodieee???"  Akaashi froze as a blush ran over his cheeks "n-no?"  Bokuto just laughed at akaashis reaction that he thought was so cute he wanted to just hug him. "Hehe kaaashhhiii its alrightt you can have all of mine if you want ;)"  "did you just wink? At me ?" Bokuto just giggled a little "maybe?" In response.  Akaashi rolled his eyes "whatever lets just go get ready" with a very noticeable blush on his cheeks.

The first thing they did was sort through bokutos clothes to see what he could wear to the festival, they both ended up wearing yukatas, akaashis was green and bokutos was a dark blue.

Akaashis pov

Im getting nervous and i cant stop blushing, I'm excited for the festival since its my first one with someone other than my family and especially since its bokuto.  I feel thrilled and butterflies are going crazy in my stomach knowing that I'm gonna be spending tonight and tomorrow with bokuto, i don't understand why my stomach and heart is doing crazy flips though, its just a crush. right?
Bokuto and i ended up wearing our yukatas im surprised he even brought one, alot of guys that we see don't typically wear them, its mostly girls but i love them and im so glad bokuto brought his, plus he looks so good in his yukata with his glowing golden eyes that i could just get lost in, but thats not the point here, i just really wanna have a good time with him before he graduates soon and i can get over this crush. I hope.

Bokutos pov

Im so so nervous right now, knowing i get to spend new years with akaashi makes me so so so happy and excited, i am a bit sad i have to be in a whole other room but I'm here so its alright. Were both wearing our yukatas to the festival and akaashi looks GORGEOUS the green also brings out his greenish blue eyes.  Im also planning on confessing today under the fireworks, it does seem very cliche but i really wanna confess, i cant hold it in any longer!! Considering the situation though my confession could go very wrong or very right, especially if it doesnt work out i have to sleep over- i dont know what to do!!
I also plan on giving him a surprise i planned only yesterday (technically) and i really wanna give it but what if it goes wrong ?!?!

Third person pov

When they finished getting ready for the festival they took one last look at themselves in the mirror before leaving.  They both wanted the same thing that night but they didnt know that.  They rushed downstairs to greet mika and koba before they left.
"Alright have fun okay?" Mika said with a big smile while koba gave both of them (separately) tips on how to flirt and win them over (especially bokuto since hes an oblivious goofball)

"Alright, were heading out now! Bye mom, bye dad, well be back later tonight"
"Okay have fuuunnn be back before 2 though please!!" Mika and koba said in unison before they burst into fits of laughter.

Hiiii ikik i said this would be juicy but im gonna save that for the next chapter ;);) since i didnt realize how long i take to write LMFAOAOAO anyways i hope you enjoyed so yeah have a good night or day or whatever u have idfk
I promise the next chapter will b out soon but yeah thats all i have !!
thanks for reading


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