Chapter 4

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Thundering footsteps echo around the empty street. Bouncing off the deserted buildings and hitting me with every step I take. Running and breathing are the only things I concentrate on.

The aliens run on 4 feet. Like a cheetah chasing its prey. Only we aren't animals. We're humans. And we're the prey.

I'm scared for mine and Ashley's life right now. I never thought I'd be running away from aliens. Animals maybe, like a dog. But not aliens.

I grab Ashley's hand an pull her into a alley and continue to drag her until we stop in front of a fence. A big fence.

"We need to go Katy! Their coming! Just jump over it!" Ashley screams in my ear. I cringe back from the sudden loudness of my best friend.

I take a deep breath and stick my foot in one hole and start climbing up the metal fence. I hear Ashley breathing behind me so I know shes okay.

Ashley comes behind me and sits next to me. "Wasn't that hard, was it?" She jokes. Nudging me with her elbow, she laughs quietly, that starts making her way down.

I smile a real smile, one I haven't smiled in a while. Only her. I start making my way down with her and smile the whole way down.

When we reach the bottom, I look around and see we're in someones back yard. How far did we run?

Ashley looks at me and voice my thoughts out loud.

Looking around, I reply back to her, "I don't know Ash. Do you think we out ran them?" I look ahead of me and see Ashley already walking. Shaking my head, I catch up to her.

"Maybe I mean we ran fast, right?" She glances at me, then fixes her gaze ahead of her. I shrug and pick up a rock.

Bouncing it in my hands, I say back, "Not sure."

A comfortable silence settles on us. Looking around, I throw the rock and pick up another. All of a sudden, I hear Ashley stop walking. Me being confused, turns around and asks whats wrong.

"What now? Where are we gonna go!? We have no car! Or clothes or food!" Ashley franticly says. I grab her shoulders to make her stop moving.

"Woo! Calm down! We'll be fine. We just need to find a car and leave here." I shake her a little bit to get back in the real world.

She sighs, "Your right. Im sorry." I shrug in response, not needing to say anything.

After 5 minutes of walking, we come across a couple cars untouched. Ashley sighs beside me and whispers, "Thank god! My feet are killing me!" Same here Ash.

I give a smug look at Ashley, "Your lucky I'm with you, because I know how to hijack a car." I state proudly.

When she gives me a bored look, my smug expression disappears.  

"You want a cookie for that?"

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