Chapter 5

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Peering out the window in the car we stole, I realize how bad ass we're being.

Stealing a car.

Two cars actually.

Even though all this drama is happening, I still think its counted as being bad ass. But no one will ever know. Which means we can as bad ass as we want.

I laugh quietly to myself, wondering why I'm thinking about that none sense. It's not like I knew Aliens would attack. I didn't even think Aliens were actually real until today. Pretty sure no one did.

I look over at Ashley, only to see her mumbling words to herself. Words I probably don't even want to know are.

Maybe we're going crazy. Maybe the worlds going crazy. Cue the evil laugh.

"Why are you making a constipated face for?" Ashely said.

I furred my eyebrows at her and scowl, "I was not. You're the one mumbling crazy words to yourself. I was just thinking about how messed up this world is. I mean, look at us. We're covered in dirt and there's crazy creatures attacking out planet and tha-," I rambled on.

"Breath Katy. We're fine. We just need to keep driving and find somewhere safe to sleep. We're fine." She repeated. Why is she completely calm about this? She should be freaking out, not telling me how to breath! She flicks her wrist out and turns up the radio, silencing the conversation.

I guess I'm the only one going crazy here. Usually I'm the calm and collected one. Not her. I guess all the aliens junk is getting to me.

I just need to sleep.

Maybe this is all a dream.

When I wake up it'll be over and I'll be in my bed, where the safety of this messed up society is, was my last thought as I drifted off to sleep with Taylor Swift playing in the background.

"Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window

Darlin' everything's on fire

The war outside our door keeps raging on"



I jerked awake and knocked my head on something hard.

"Shit! Katy are you okay?" I hear a concerned but amused voice say. I groan and open my eyes.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I narrow my eyes at her. Stupid car. I hate being tall.

I place my hand on my head and feel a headache coming on. I groan again and lean my head back on my seat. ...Great way to start the day...

Ashley giggled and poked me in the face, "Poor Katy, pouting like a child." she teases.

I glare at her and huff. I am not pouting. And I am certaintly not a child.

"I do not pout." She rolls her eyes and points out her window.

"Yeah, and that's not a human." She replies. Whatever. I huff again and look out my window. Cars and people. That's all there is. Borrrrring.

"Where are we anyways?" I ask.

"We are in New York City, in a parking lot. Do you know it took me $30 dollars to bribe someone for a parking spot?! $30 dollars! I mean come on it's ju-" I drown out her babbling and peer out my window.

Big city buildings are everywhere. People on their cellphones, some laughing with people. Food carts everywhere, and millions of taxi cars. I can already tell that this place will be the death of me.

I couldn't even handle high school for crying out loud! Too many people everywhere.

"-Did I mention it's the best shopping place ever?" Ashley squeals.Opening my door and stepping out, I shut my eyes and breathe in deeply. I've missed fresh air.

I slam my door and wait for Ashley to get out. She probably hasn't even realized I got out of the car. I snort and shake my head. She should be a blonde.

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