Chapter 1

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It's weird, how one minute you can be living your dream, and then the next minute.. its gone. Big booming laughs filling the air, turn into terrified-shocked screams. And while you stand there, frozen,all you see is people running..screaming for help, while minutes ago you were by your friends, telling jokes and shoving people. But everything happens for a reason, right? 

Have you ever wondered what would happen if aliens took over? Or if they just came down to earth, on a random day, and just watched you? While you dont know anythings going on, until someone grabs your arm and starts screaming at you to move, to run away, to not just stand there but move?


 Screaming. Frantic people everywhere. I move my eyes to look down at my best friend Ashley and see her pulling my arm and screaming, with terrified tears running down her face. I finally look around and see everyone running. Big sharp teeth that look like a dragons tooth and long-pointy ears that remind me of elfs. Big elfs. Defiantly not tiny elfs. Green with black spots and short tails. They were chasing after people and baring their teeth, making biting movements. 

"Katy! Katy, please come on! We need to go!" I faintly heard Ashley begging in the background. I could just make out what she was saying, for I was to fascinated in the weird animals. 

When I finally zone back into reality, I feel Ashley pulling me somewhere. I look around and see we're behind a dumpster.

"Katy, Katy!" Ashley whisper-yells to me.

"Ashley..what are they?" I turn my wide eyes back down to her and notice her frantically shaking her head back and forth. What the hell are they? I think to myself. Looking back toward the town, I see my car being flip upside down by a alien thing. My poor baby...

"..And then I noticed people running and seeing these huge tails whipping back and forth. I didn't know what to do, I tried calling you but you..." I zone back to what Ashley was saying. "...What were you doing?" Ashley stares at me with wide eyes. I could see her eyes full of shakiness and finally remembered why we were behind the dumpster in the first place.

"Listen Ashley, I'll explain later but right now we need leave." When she doesn't move, I say a bit louder, "Now." 

I pull her up with me and look around. I notice body's on the ground and fires starting in the buildings. Trying not to pay attention to everyone around me, I pull Ashley behind me and start ducking behind bushes and cars. 

"Were are we going?" I hear Ashley yell behind me. I honestly dont know.. I think to myself.


After everything that goes on in this messed up world, do you honestly think that aliens would attack the world? I mean, come on, aliens!

Running throught the streets used to be fun, but not when you're running from choas. Just listening to Ashley and everyone else around screaming and crying is enough to make me wonder what this universe is actually made of. 

I keep tugging Ashley with me. Even thought we're scared, we have to be strong, right?

Bushes, alleys, street lights, and old trash cans are the only thing in sight for me. I can barely register what's actually happening to us. The only thing on my mind is keeping one foot in front of the other and to keep tugging on Ashley's hand to make sure shes with me.

It's just all a blur. With emotions swimming in my head and blisters starting on my feet.

Fear, Sadness, Nervousness and plenty others.

Fear, is the main one. 

Could you ever imagine running throught alleys and trees, dragging your best friend along, while creatures, -you never even believed in- are attacking the place you grew up in? The place where you caught your first firefly? The first time you played soccer and the park where you found your best friend?


"Stay with my Ashley." I whisper.


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