Do you wanna hang out?

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Jax's P.O.V

I can't belive drake he knew how much I liked emma and now he likes her.uhhhhh. I wanted to ask emma out so I am it was lunch time so it'd the perfect time

Emma's P.O.V

I was going to lunch all the boys kept asking me out so I said no while I was walking to lunch I was about to trip then I fell into someone's hands it was.......JAX

"Thanks for catching me" I told him "thanks for being such a catch he said u felt myself blushing I got out of his hands and started walking until...

Jax's P.O.V

She started walking until. "Emma wait" I said "yeah" she said turning around "ummmm like do you want to hang out maybe later at the 8?" I asked her "sure pick me up at 6:00" she told me "okay bye" with that she left

Emma's P.O.V

Great I have a date with jax I don't want to date him it's just part od this stupid plan of Skylar uhhhhhh now I need to go on a date with him. just .   GREAT

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