The date

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Emma's P.O.V

I got out of school at 3:00 I went home I finish my homework it was 4:00 I started getting my stuff ready I put on a white tanktop with black shorts and a red leather jacket I put some grey Adidas it was 5:00 I did my hair and put so purfume I put my iPhone 5 in my back pocket and I grabbed my purse I went to the living room it was 5:30.

Jax's P.O.V

It was 5:00 I put on my red Jordan shirt and some regular jeans with my Adidas I got on My dirt bike and drove to emma's house when I got there I was 5:58 I nocked on her door and she answered it

Emma's P.O.V

Me and jax got on his dirt bike and drove to the 8 we sat at a table and jax went to go order the pizza I just like him as a friend nothing more he came back with a pepperoni pizza "I got a pepperoni pizza and some lemonade" he said "thank you" I told him we started talking I got to know him very well he told me alot about his past he is a really nice guy

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